The ‘Doctor Strange’ teaser trailer.

Because Marvel will not be constrained by your puny limitations, mortals! You will have a Doctor Strange movie, and it will make hundreds of millions of dollars, and it won’t matter that he’s not a top-shelf Marvel hero! None of them ever are! It doesn’t matter! The X-Men and FF franchises are trying to figure out right now how to emulate Spider-man’s example and get themselves crammed back into the MCU!

Plus, it has Benedict Cumberbatch in it.

So, I watched the first episode of Jessica Jones last night.

It’s not bad – in fact, it was pretty good – but there’s just something about it that I can’t put my finger on. Not so much off, as different. And I don’t even know if it’s bad-different.  Anybody with any thoughts on this, or should I just watch a couple more episodes and it will all make sense suddenly?

The Mouse pries a couple of Sony’s fingers off of Spider-Man.

The news in the first sentence may be normally problematic, but it’s made up for by the second one:

In the wake of its deal to co-produce Sony’s next “Spider-Man” movie, Disney has delayed the release of four upcoming Marvel superhero movies to make way for it.

Sony and Disney said Monday that they will co-produce the next “Spider-Man” film, marking a new creative direction for the character, which will be released by Sony on July 28, 2017.

Forgive me for saying this, but I’d delay the Ms. Marvel movie and Thor sequel in order to get Spidey in the rotation of a sensible Marvel Universe franchise as early as possible, too.  …I’d make a sardonic comment about the new Spider-man movies right now, except that I haven’t seen them.  No, I don’t know why that’s stopping me, either.

Via @MelissaTweets.


Being drawn by Guilded Age alumnus Ericka Henderson.  I gotta admit, I kind of want a Squirrel Girl movie.  By that I mean that I want one, but I didn’t want to push it previously.  I mean, she’s a fun comic character and everything, but is Marvel really going to be able to make money off of that?



I guess that it all depends on how GOOD Marvel thinks that it is, then.  Maybe they can’t make a successful Squirrel Girl movie.  Maybe it’s more of a Shelbyville DC idea…

Marvel’s Age of Ultron counter-leak gambit.

Interesting point here from Reason on the leaked Marvel Age of Ultron trailer:

The trailer wasn’t supposed to be released this week at all. Marvel had originally planned to release the trailer next Tuesday, in conjunction with a new episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, a TV show with close ties to Marvel’s ever-expanding Avengers movie universe. After a low-resolution version of the trailer leaked, some copies were pulled at the request of Disney, which owns Marvel.


…within about two hours of the leaked version hitting the web, Marvel went ahead and posted the official version. So much for carefully stage-managed corporate PR, eh? But this is one of the reasons why Marvel is doing such great business these days. They’re not fighting the fans, not trying to control the crowd. The company is accepting the reality of the Internet—that a leak can’t really be contained—and giving fans what they want.

Continue reading Marvel’s Age of Ultron counter-leak gambit.

$750 million lawsuit filed against Marvel Entertainment.

Guess it’s settled whether there’s money in that franchise, huh?

According to the Associated Press, a lawsuit was filed yesterday in a Manhattan federal court on behalf of four shareholders of Stan Lee Media, Inc. against Stan Lee, his partner Arthur Lieberman, his wife Joan Clayton, Marvel Entertainment, Inc. and producer Avi Arad. The four unnamed shareholders are seeking more then $750 million in profits from films based on Marvel characters, including “Spider-Man,” “X-Men” and “Iron Man.”

While details are still trickling in regarding specifics to the case, the AP reports that the lawsuit claims profits from Lee’s comic creations belong to the company after emerging from bankruptcy in 2006. The suit claims Lee and the others named in the proceedings ignored the company and shareholder’s interests.

I came across this while looking up Watchmen info – see Moe succumb to the Fanboy side of the Force! Succumb, Moe, succumb! – and while I figure that this will probably get settled it’s still a little interesting. I mean, sure, between the Spiderman movies and the X-Men films and the entire Iron Manmy-God-it’s-full-of-Tony-Starks” thing Marvel must be a hot commodity right now. Still, 750 million’s nothing to sneeze at – even if they’re hoping to “only” score a 100 million or so.

Moe Lane

PS: Watchmen comes out in March; Star Trek’s still up for May.  And I don’t know what’s going to be the big summer must-see movies, yet.