07/10/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook: 32,263/38,400.

I was miscounting pages, so… 6K words to go, after all. The good news is, all the original stuff has had the expanded pass-through and everything else is fill-in-the-blanks. I should be able to hack it all together by Monday and get it out to the other folks having a look-see.

Not much else going on, really.

07/08/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG: 30,158/37,800.

Got the original Geography part finished and added some more locations. The next two are the big ones, though: Magic and Religion. I wrote them originally before I had an actual magical system to link them to, and there’s going to have to be revisions there. Mechanically, magic and theurgy run off of the same mechanics; but the styles are completely different in this iteration.

Continue reading 07/08/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG: 30,158/37,800.

07/04/2020 Progress Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG: 28,800/37,800.

Today was half rules, half world-building. Guess which guy forgot to put it anything about armor? This guy! Dear Lord, but this is gonna need some serious playtesting — and before anybody says anything: that’s a discussion for August. I gotta get this draft finished first.

Still, things are not actually going badly. I’ve got time to work on this; the game production doesn’t have a hard deadline. In fact, after a certain point I’m going to need to wait until other people are done working on it, which means I can work on other stuff then. Marathon, not a sprint.