Tweet of the Day, Ain’t It The Truth, @charlescwooke edition.

This fascinates me, too:

I generally handle not caring by… not caring; it’s OK to tell people that, particularly when they’re interrupting you*, but the trick then is to walk away afterward. Nobody’s forcing you to talk to an idiot, after all: the First Amendment says nothing about letting people impose a power imbalance relationship on other people.

No, not even on the other side of the Bill of Rights, in invisible ink or something.

Moe Lane

*I interrupt people all the time myself; I just don’t take it personally when they tell me to [expletive deleted] myself. That’s a perfectly reasonable attitude to take, in and of itself. Of course, they’d be better off listening to me, but what can you do?

Tweet of the Day, I Might Actually Move It Lower Edition.

The craft/gaming room is acquiring enough wall art and whatnot that I should start considering the overall aesthetic and not just throw up everything everywhere. Still, pretty cool, huh?

Tweet of the Day, There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Liberaltarian edition.

MSNBC just can’t help themselves, poor things.

The fascinating part is the way that a progressive network so casually went for the disemboweling stroke on libertarians, there. Which is unsurprising: the alternative is to face that Detroit is the way that it is because the most rabid ideological elements of [the] Democratic party had no opposition to its will and desires there for a half-century. And dear God, but it shows.

Tweet of the day, @iowahawk Wins Twitter And It Ain’t Even 9:30 AM Yet edition.

I got nothing, sorry.

And I feel no shame. It’s an honor to lose to this, really.

Tweet of the Day, The Reason For My New Tagline edition.

Because, really, you can’t go wrong by despising all Communists on principle.


Moe Lane

PS: You really should read that entire Wikipedia entry. It’s great fun, and may help you understand why the British Empire did so well for itself.

Tweet of the Day, Sing It, Brother Dennis edition.

Via Twitchy, Dennis Miller:

Although… now would be a good time for Barack Obama to decide that, what the heck, he might as well authorize Keystone. Most of the people who would be mad at him for that are currently mad anyway.

Tweet of the Day, …Dear God. OfA Really IS Pronounced ‘Ofay,’ Isn’t It? Edition.

I am shocked that I never noticed this one on my own:

For those wondering: ‘ofay’ is an African-American derogatory term for a white person. A clueless, stuck-up, pig-ignorant white person with massive entitlement issues. Continue reading Tweet of the Day, …Dear God. OfA Really IS Pronounced ‘Ofay,’ Isn’t It? Edition.