‘Anthony Brown – The Most Incompetent Man in Maryland.’

And oh, my, but Maryland Democrat Lt. Governor Anthony Brown is. This is the first ad from Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan:

If you need a primer on why Lt. Governor Brown is incompetent, one can be found here. Executive summary: the Maryland Obamacare exchange was an utter disaster. And I don’t use the term ‘utter disaster’ lightly: we’re talking about almost $126 million being spent on a state exchange that didn’t work and had to be replaced.  And, in case you’re wondering: the replacement is scheduled to cost at least $43 million more dollars of my tax money. Three guesses if that project is going to come in under budget, and the first two don’t count. Continue reading ‘Anthony Brown – The Most Incompetent Man in Maryland.’

Quote of the Day, This Is Amusingly Obvious About Wendy Davis edition.

Well, it’s certainly not painful. At least, for me:

“[Erstwhile Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis is] not doing as well as people had hoped, expected or wanted,” said Bill Miller, an Austin lobbyist who works with both Democrats and Republicans and who is a friend of Ms. Davis’s. “I think there were unrealistic expectations.”

Gee, you think? – Not that I mind national Democrats throwing 20 million down the money pit that is the Wendy Davis campaign.  It fuels economic activity – and better that it be spent on doomed Democratic campaigns than on viable Democratic ones.  But I do wonder if anybody on the Left is going to take a hit to their credibility for encouraging this wasted effort in the first place.  Probably not – and that’s not really a partisan slam; accountability for failure is rarely taken, and even more rarely offered.  Shoot, I have gotten it wrong on more than occasion.

I’ve also never set on fire 20 million of my own party’s money in the process, mind you.

Via Hot Air Headlines.

Moe Lane

Possibly my most frivolous pledge drive yet! [Update: Now officially CLOSED.]

[UPDATE, 06/29/2014, noonish: Well, that was fast. The pledge drive is now officially closed.]

Honestly, half of the time I just do them for the hate mail.

Anyhoo, as some of you may have guessed I am playing The Secret World now. For those who don’t know, it’s a MMORPG with a horror/conspiracy flavor to it, with puzzles that stopped being ‘clever’ and ‘erudite’ and are now just flat-out ‘insanely esoteric.’ Free to play: so, yup, you guessed it, those never are. Trying to navigate their special membership billing situation so that I can have a monthly membership (giving me extra special access) while not putting new dresses for my dollies stuff from the item store on the house credit card is sufficiently baroque* that I’m just going to throw my hands up and save up to buy a yearly membership. It’s about a hundred and ten bucks; the tip jar is below.

I ain’t going to do this for more than a few days; a week, at most. Even for me, this is a silly one.

Moe Lane

*Turns out credit card fraud for these things can be widespread. Gee. Go figure.

Pacific Rim to get sequel AND animated series?

Cue the Nerd’s Prayer*:

2017 for the movie; presumably the anime – because that’s what it’s probably going to be, more or less – will be rather earlier. Or not. You never know, with this stuff.

Still.  Cool. There’s room in the monster movie genre for both Pacific Rim and Godzilla, which is also getting a sequel (duh). Heck, I still hold out hope for a Cloverfield sequel. Continue reading Pacific Rim to get sequel AND animated series?

Elizabeth Warren to stump for… wait, sorry. Natalie Tennant? In WEST VIRGINIA?


[Senator Elizabeth Warren] has been hailed as a possible 2016 presidential contender among some on the left. Yet Warren has also become a lightning rod for criticism from conservatives who say she represents no less than a new breed of tax-and-spend, entitlement-rich uber-liberals in the mold of President Barack Obama. Her rise to national prominence has even led some critics back home to dust off the state’s old nickname, “Taxachusetts.”

So she may seem at first blush an odd choice to campaign for Democrat Natalie Tennant in this year’s Senate race in West Virginia — which has become as anti-Obama and anti-liberal as any state in the nation right now.

Continue reading Elizabeth Warren to stump for… wait, sorry. Natalie Tennant? In WEST VIRGINIA?

Tweet of the Day, Your Techno-Nostalgia Moment *For* The Day edition.

I would have played this, back in the day.

I’m actually a bit surprised that nobody came up with this exact concept, in fact. Pacific Rim would have worked great in 8-bit.