#rsrh We are a gentle people. (Language warning)

[UPDATE]: The original is down, but thanks to RCP it’s been replaced with another video of the proceedings.


Truly.  We have a world hegemony, yes – but compare our hegemony to that of Assyria’s, Rome’s, Europe’s, or even England’s, and it is a profoundly light one.  We have our country, and it’s quite large enough for any reasonable people, and so we’re out of the habit of directly acquiring any spare bits of real estate that may be lying around unattended.  Honestly, the only reason that we even retain a hegemony that we don’t particularly want is that there’s nobody else out there that we quite trust enough to do the job as well as we do.  And here is the proof of the pudding: when things turn bad, people instinctively run towards the American soldiers on the scene.  That’s because the entire world has internalized the notion by now that what the USA truly excels at is killing monsters.  In short, we really are the good guys.

Fuck with us, though


…and you won’t go home in a box.  Not when there’s a perfectly good ocean, right there.

Moe Lane

#rsrh President Obama’s WHCD mistake.

Basically, it’s that the President made the mistake of punching down just a little bit too hard.  You see, one reason why Presidents have traditionally made fun of themselves at these things is making fun of yourself is politically safe.  When you’re the most powerful person in the room – which the President of the United States invariably is – and you throw a verbal jab at somebody, outside observers have one of two choices on how to take that:

  1. The President is a bully by attacking a social/political inferior.
  2. The President is interacting with those on more or less the same elevated plane as he is.  He is still above them on the hierarchy, but it is a difference in degree, and not in kind.

So, going after Donald Trump – a man who will not be the next President of the United States, and who will also not be the Republican nominee – does not diminish Trump; it elevates him, which means that it diminishes Obama. Continue reading #rsrh President Obama’s WHCD mistake.

FDA victory in the War on Raw Milk!

The USA has solved all of our other problems, you see.

Marvel at our heroic government agents as they swoop in at 5 AM* to stop the pernicious practice of selling unpasteurized milk across state lines!

An Amish farm in Pennsylvania has been stopped from selling contraband milk after a year-long federal government sting operation.

The Rainbow Acres Farm was found to have been smuggling banned unpasteurised milk to customers in Maryland.

Cheer as this tawdry trade – dominated by cartels of Amish farmers and natural-food enthusiasts – is shut down!  Rejoice as the profit margins of Monsanto** and other agriculture companies are protected by their pet Democratic shills in Congress! Continue reading FDA victory in the War on Raw Milk!

Welcome to Dizzy City.

Stuff like this happens all the time; it’s frankly one of the most frustrating things about the place.  And it’s ‘frustrating’ because the rules allow people – mostly on the Left, but not exclusively – to get away with behavior that should have earned them a drink in the face.

At minimum*.

Moe Lane

Via Hot Air Headlines.

*Although Maddow’s not on the drink-in-the-face list.  Barely.

Today is May Day!

A holiday where we remember Communism: which in its various incarnations has murdered more millions through terror, famine, rapine, war, ecological disasters, and general frightfulness than any other economic or political system in human history!  If you hate humanity and the planet, you’ll love the Commies*!  It is of course also a holiday that we should remember Ronald Reagan, Maggie Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II – these being of course the three public figures most responsible for dragging out the Beast that was Soviet Communism out into the light, pinning it to the ground, and slowly hammering a blessed hawthorn stake through its black, twisted, poisonous, oozing Commie heart.

Not to spoil any random Marxist’s day by reminding him or her that their precious secular god-substitute was killed filthy, and doing the metaphorical equivalent of begging for mercy while choking on its own bloody bile.  Perish the thought that I rub it in…

Moe Lane

*Assuming that you have the intelligence of a mattress, of course.  Which is pretty much a prerequisite for thinking that Marxism is a good idea in the first place: after all, Marxism is intellectualism for stupid people.

Politico: Conservatives are pro-cancer!

Either that, or Politico hires some pretty sloppy writers.  Personally, I’m voting for the latter.

The background: Politico decided to write an article that attempts to answer the eternal question, For just how long will George Soros keep throwing money down the rathole which is the Activist Left*? It’s an interesting question in its own right – the article suggests that Soros is getting pretty darn tired of piling up his money in the policy equivalent of an empty field, then setting the pile on fire – but there was one throwaway line in the piece that made me roll my eyes at what fools these mortals be:

And — like Koch brothers’ philanthropy — the recipients of Soros’s largesse do not all fit into neat liberal-conservative constructs.

Soros’s Open Society Foundations, for instance, have contributed $431,000 since 1996 to the Cato Institute to fund its drug reform, civil liberties and anti-corruption programs. And the Kochs have contributed tens of millions to the arts and cancer research.

OK. Stop right there. Continue reading Politico: Conservatives are pro-cancer!

#rsrh Someone remind me in July…

…to look at the quarterly financial reports for Obama for America.  Right now the numbers are meaningless; it’s completely unreasonable to expect that the President could raise the same amount of money in the first quarter of 2007 (almost $26 million) that he did in a portion of the first quarter of 2011 ($2.3 million).  However, it is reasonable to compare 2nd quarter 2007 ($33 million) to 2nd quarter 2011; you see, when the Obama campaign brags about the $750 million that they raised last go-round (and their plans to surpass that with $1 billion this go-round) they’re including the roughly $350 million that they raised (and spent) on the primary. If the Obama campaign is truly serious about bettering that total, that means that they have to better their total now, which is incidentally a period where the President is not actually competing against any sort of meaningful primary opponent.  If they don’t, they won’t hit $750 million.  They’ll be lucky to even hit $500 million, in fact.

Unless the Obama campaign thinks that they can raise roughly two and a half times as much in the general election in 2012 as they did in the general election in 2008…]

Moe Lane