Tweet of the Day, Name This Probing Uranus Mission! edition.

They out here trollin’, they baitin’…

The THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER Honest Trailer.

Honest Trailers… were not fans.

I understand every single objection made in this trailer, but I didn’t watch THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER for any reason more serious than, “I want to get out of the house, and the movie theater is right next to a bar that serves a decent fried chicken sandwich.” Screaming goats and goofy jokes about ex-weapons? Yeah, sure, sounded like fun. It also made three quarters of a billion bucks without the China market, so we’re getting another one, sorry.

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, just had this thought: Loki died in battle, he’s in Valhalla, that’s how Loki Prime gets back in the movies. Sounds easy enough.

A couple days left on DUTIES preorders and the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION super-sale.

Also: it looks like I might have copies of DUTIES available at Fright Reads! Which will be nice, if it happens. Obviously, I’ll have TINSEL RAIN there, too. Still trying to decide if I’m going to offer any particular sales there. After all, I’m pricing my books pretty cheaply now…

Tweet of the Day, Try Not To Skip Ahead To The End edition.

It will require willpower, but if you can manage to read the entire passage without going right to the end, your restraint will be rewarded.

H/T: @iowahawkblog.