Sen. Michael Bennet (D, CO): Stimulus hypocrite.

Either that, or he’s lost all situational awareness of the relationship between cause and effect.

August, 2010:

…not only do we have $12 trillion in debt, not only have we mortgaged ourselves to the Chinese, but the tragedy of it is, we have absolutely nothing to show for it, absolutely nothing to show for it. We haven’t invested in our roads, our bridges, our transportation, our ports, anything.

September, 2010:

“I think passing the recovery package was an essential thing to do in order to save us from, you know, the Great Depression,” [Bennet] said.

Continue reading Sen. Michael Bennet (D, CO): Stimulus hypocrite.

#rsrh Latest Cook Shifts.

(All names in parentheses are of GOP challengers, of course.  Both because I have no interest in helping Democratic candidates and because Cook has been a not-quite-monotonous constant drumbeat of good news for the GOP lately.)

Consistent with things continuing to slide off of the beam for Democrats this year, in other words.

Maurice Hinchey’s (D, NY-22) Spring-time with Castro.

Because, you know, what’s a little grinding poverty, utter failure of an economic system, routine and widespread violation of human rights, and general nastiness when compared against the need to keep a House seat?

Continue reading Maurice Hinchey’s (D, NY-22) Spring-time with Castro.

Rick Boucher (D, VA-09) buys new car with campaign money.

Via… Not Larry Sabato, who cannot be happy about the fact that his fully-justified anger at seeing a 14 term Democratic Congressman use campaign finance money to buy himself a nice, new car is now showing up as yet another reason why to vote for Rick Boucher’s opponent Morgan Griffith, who is not using special-interest money to buy himself shiny new automobiles.  I know this because I just called to check; and the sound of their laughter at the very thought…

Moe Lane

PS: For extra giggles, Boucher sabotaged his own administration’s fiscal policies by buying a Ford.  What, Government Motors wasn’t good enough for the Democrat?  Didn’t the government buy that company for our own good?

PPS: Morgan is also campaigning on the idea of cutting Congress’s pay by 10%.

Crossposted to RedState.

Ovide Lamontagne (NH) shows folks how it’s done.

He has conceded the primary, will not seek a recount, and has endorsed Kelly Ayotte (video here).  Ayotte has accepted the concession with equal grace and politeness, calling Lamontagne a gentleman and a principled conservative (H/T: Hot Air). From now on, it’s all about defeating Paul Hodes in the general election.

Would that more politicians acted this properly when they lose a primary.  Michael Castle and Lisa Murkowski, I’m looking at you.

Moe Lane

PS: Jeanne Shaheen will be up for re-election in four years. This is not that far off in time, and I hope that NH conservatives will remember this dignified end to the 2010 campaign, if it turns out to be relevant to the one in 2014…

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh THAT! PARTY! NAMED! in Ohio.

Quick!  Can you finish this sentence?

Cuyahoga County Commissioner Jimmy Dimora…

Yup, I bet you can – but I’m cheating.  Nobody ever hears about county commissioners unless there’s a perp walk involved.  In this case, the charges are bribery and mail fraud.  Also in this case, the guy is not only the former chair of the Cincinnati [Cleveland] Democratic party; he’s clearly described as the former chair of the Cincinnati [Cleveland] Democratic party by the paper.  In the title.  It would seem that Ohio’s getting just a wee bit tired of their current political climate…

Via Jim Geraghty, and corrected as per @TomCrowe.

#rsrh Who is insulted more? Carnahan, or Fisher?

The question raised by this WJS correction is a real head-scratcher in that regard:

Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, a Democrat, is running against Republican Rep. Roy Blunt for U.S. Senate. Lee Fisher, the lieutenant governor of Ohio, is running for the U.S. Senate in his state. In some editions Tuesday, a front-page article about political spending for Republican candidates incorrectly said that Rep. Blunt is running against Mr. Fisher and that Mr. Fisher is Missouri’s lieutenant governor.

Ach, well, it’ll be academic starting next January anyway.  For both of them.