‘Liberals tired of health care compromise.’

The AP, asking on progressives’ behalf:

Isn’t it time the other guys gave a little ground on health care?

Me, answering on conservatives’ behalf:


The Democrats can pass something whenever they like: they have the votes, after all.  We’re not going to pretend that they need our help.  We’re certainly not going to pretend that they want our input, either.  All they want is the ability to share the blame.

[UPDATE]: Via Hot Air, this Drudge headline:


Bring it.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

90% of POTUS’ town hall ‘conversation’ made by POTUS.

Says it all, really.

If you’re wondering how seriously the administration is taking its tame – some might say, ‘gelded’ – town halls, well:

A look at President Obama’s health care “town hall” Tuesday in Portsmouth, N.H., shows the president out-spoke his audience by a ratio of nearly 9-to-1.

Here’s the scorecard.

Obama: 8,619 words.

Audience: 1,186 words.

You tell me.

Moe Lane

PS: Anybody else getting the feeling that one of the reasons that Democrats are being so graceless about this entire ‘town hall protest’ thing is because it’s wrecking their vacation?  I mean, really: sitting in Congress and spending our money is such hard work, and here is the mob spoiling the ruling faction’s precious, precious time away from that task.

The nerve of us.

Crossposted to RedState.

I’ll be on the B-Cast at around 5:30 today.

Link here.

Mind you, it’s me – so it’ll be about zombies. On the other hand, I might be able to sneak a comment or two in about this OfA desperate rally at the fallback point conference call.  Goodness knows it’s not really a subject change.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

‘Rat-eating plant named after David Attenborough.’

That was the original title of this piece, and frankly it was a better one than “The Mousetrap: The carnivorous plant that eats rodents for lunch – named after Sir David Attenborough.” At least, between that and the picture below there’s no burning reason to read the rest of the story.


Via Fark Geek.

Moe Lane

Here you go.

Eugene Robinson wants to make a health care wish.

After whining about us horrible right-wingers, and nervously assuring himself that health care rationing is popular, really, Eugene Robinson wants the President to rise to the occasion.  Well, he’d call it ‘rising, ‘ at least:

What the president hasn’t done is the obvious: Tell Congress and the American public, clearly and forcefully, what has to be done and why. Take control of the debate. Consult less and insist more. Remind the Blue Dogs who’s president and who’s not.

Giving up on the public option might be expedient. But we didn’t elect Obama to be an expedient president. We elected him to be a great one.

And I want a pony.

Moe Lane

PS: “We?”  I voted for the other guy.  And I’m not surprised about the expedience at all, at all.

Crossposted to RedState.

It is not a good idea to insult old people. Seriously.

You’d think that I wouldn’t have to write that.

This is a pretty good article by Greg Gutfield on old people and the health care rationing meltdown (via Instapundit), but it’s the picture that I want to highlight.


As Greg notes, these are the people that have been the backbone of the protests against health care rationing – and I’ll note that it is not a good idea for the Democrats to keep calling them racist, un-American, fascist extremist dupes and fakers.

Because they vote.  A lot.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

White House: Axelrod spam? All because of outside agitators.

I just had this forwarded by one of my RS colleagues who doesn’t have time to hit this right now. Turns out that the Axelrod spam did happen, and it’s all because of all those awful “outside groups of all political stripes“:

After insisting no one was receiving unsolicited e-mails from the White House, officials reversed their story Monday night and blamed outside political groups for the unwanted messages from the tech-savvy operation.

White House online director Macon Phillips said in a blog posting that independent groups—he didn’t name them—had signed-up their members to receive regular updates about Obama’s projects, priorities and speeches.

The White House had consistently denied that anyone who hadn’t sought the e-mails had received them.

But we can believe them when they now tell us that it’s not their fault. Because nothing, of course, is ever this administration’s fault. Continue reading White House: Axelrod spam? All because of outside agitators.

Getting in their faces – David Price’s (D, NC-04) town hall.

The assault (from last Thursday) disturbs me. The casual mockery by pro-health care rationing supporters towards a man (who I haven’t even fully confirmed was a health care rationing protester) who’s just gotten punched in the face disturbs me a whole lot more.  I don’t care what your stance is on this issue: your instinctive response to this sort of thing should not be to ask sarcastic questions about the victim’s health insurance.

Original video here News stories here and here. See also Gateway Pundit and Weasel Zippers.

Moe Lane Continue reading Getting in their faces – David Price’s (D, NC-04) town hall.