My RedState post on Obama, Schumer, and anti-terrorism funding.

Found here.  Short version: it will shock none of you to hear that this administration has no idea how to treat its friends, either. And that’d be true even if it turns out that the administration didn’t cut anti-terrorism funding to NYC just because they’re mad at Chuck Schumer.

In the (e)-mail: “Cthulhu Lies Dreaming.”

Picked up Cthulhu Lies Dreaming: Twenty-three Tales of the Weird and Cosmic largely on the strength of the Ken Hite foreword (I figure if they’re smart enough to get him to do it, they’re smart enough to find decent stories). So far, so good: at least one we’re-not-gonna-call-it-Delta-Green got snuck in there, which was a nice bonus. Six bucks on Kindle, which is pretty fair if you like Cthulhu Mythos stories.

Erick Erickson’s endorsement for President.

Makes sense to me:

If Cruz and Rubio are too immature to stop fighting each other to attack Trump, we should force them.

If Marco Rubio is in first or second place headed into your state’s primary, vote for Rubio, even if you like Cruz.

In the same way, if Ted Cruz is in first or second place headed into your state’s primary, vote Cruz, even if you like Rubio.

The goal must be to first stop Trump.

Then we can hash it out between ourselves.

Continue reading Erick Erickson’s endorsement for President.

One note about people dropping out before Super Tuesday…

…they will not.


Well, maybe Ben Carson will: I saw the vaguest of suggestions that he’s going to take a good, hard look at his numbers after tomorrow’s Nevada caucuses. But it’s safe to bet that John Kasich will stay in at least until next week*; and obviously Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump are going to long-haul it.

Moe Lane

*He wants to stay longer. The GOP ‘Establishment**’ has other ideas.  The RNC could certainly help it along by getting those debate spots down to three.

**I assume that Politico is actually using a definition of ‘Establishment’ that doesn’t include me for a change, although I certainly think that it’s far past time for John Kasich to go back to Ohio and start planning a Senate run.

Schumer barefaces on Supreme Court picks.

There’s a certain refreshing honesty in Chuck Schumer’s blatantly naked partisanship.  When asked about this statement by Joe Biden in 1992 about George HW Bush getting a Supreme Court pick:

“It would be our pragmatic conclusion that once the political season is underway — and it is — action on a Supreme Court nomination must be put off until after the election campaign is over,” Biden, then a Delaware senator and Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, said in June of 1992. “That is what is fair to the nominee and essential to the process.”

Continue reading Schumer barefaces on Supreme Court picks.