Assassin’s Creed franchise in the middle of a Midweek Madness Steam sale.

66% off for their titles. I can tell you, truly: Assassins Creed Syndicate is worth the sixteen bucks, and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag would also be worth the sixteen bucks, let alone the less than seven that they’re asking for*. Black Flag will let you do pretty much everything that you want to do with a pirate ship, sometimes in a howling rainstorm with waterspouts and riptides. I had a lot of fun playing that game. Continue reading Assassin’s Creed franchise in the middle of a Midweek Madness Steam sale.

Item Seed: Doctor Marrane’s Wondrous Traveling Carnival.

Doctor Marrane’s Wondrous Traveling Carnival – Google Docs

Doctor Marrane’s Wondrous Traveling Carnival


This magical artifact appears as an eighteen wheeler, truck-tractor rig.  The trailer is weathered, but in good shape; on one side there are the words “Doctor Marrane’s Wondrous Traveling Carnival” written in bright gold-red letters, with the logo of a cornucopia flanked by two ravens beneath it. Don’t bother trying to paint over the logo. Or checking the tire pressure. Or filling the tank up with gas, for that matter. Why? Because it’s a magic item.

Continue reading Item Seed: Doctor Marrane’s Wondrous Traveling Carnival.

A week and a half to go on the Conspiracy Theory Kickstarter.

Conspiracy Theory, for those who don’t remember, is a card game from Steve Jackson Games about, well, conspiracy theories:

This sort of thing is more or less firmly within SJG’s wheelhouse, and I have high hopes for it.  Less than two weeks to go and still needs a couple more grand to fund, so if it sounds interesting, go ahead.  I plan to break this out with my regular gaming group…

The ‘Annihilation’ trailer.

I’ll be honest: having looked at the book reviews for the trilogy (Southern Reach) that this is based off of, I suspect that Annihilation is one of those movies where I’ll be happier for not having read the books. I can’t comment on the books themselves, because I haven’t read them; but the movie seems to be promising, in a creepy sort of way. I am more tolerant of creep-for-creep’s-sake in movies than I am in books.

Throwing together some stuffing… [UPDATED]

I got a ton of stale bread, so I’m sauteing some chopped onions and celery in butter. Then I’m going to mix it in with some of the bread, add a can of chicken broth and some herbs de Provence, then cook it up for an hour. If it all comes out OK it’s lunch, and I make the rest of it tomorrow as part of dinner.  I feel that this is a viable plan.

Moe Lane

PS: I thought that I had sage, and I decided to skip apples this go-round because I don’t want to over-complicate matters.

[UPDATE]: An acceptable failure.  This stuffing required more onion, more celery, possibly an apple after all, and two cans of broth.  Mind you, what I got was edible: the lack of broth simply made this come out somewhat like savory toast, and that was an acceptable lunch.  There also has to be better mixing involved.  I am confident that this recipe will work as expected on the second go-round.

Fallout 4 (2015) releases Game of the Year (in 2017).

I… have no idea why Bethesda waited until now to bring out a GotY version of Fallout 4.   Maybe it’s on the checklist for Things to Do Before We Can Get Started on Fallout 5?  Or maybe they thought that they had released the GotY, only Bethesda checked its website this morning and realized that they forgot to hit publish.  That happens to me sometimes.

:pause, while looking at pictures:

Man, I always forget just how bleak the Commonwealth looks when playing vanilla. If you pick this one up, do yourself a favor and go download the Fallout 4 Seasons Project. I typically run the Summer option, but they’re all good for making the place look better. Even the Winter option is pretty good. Continue reading Fallout 4 (2015) releases Game of the Year (in 2017).