I was at the ALG / Net Right Nation shindig.

It was fun; they (“they” being Americans for Limited Government & Net Right Nation) were nice people, and they gave me a beer. This is an easy way to make me your friend, for those who might not know this. There was also food. This is likewise a very simple way to make me your friend.

They had Andrew Breitbart talking: I have a photo of him taken from my cell phone, but I haven’t figured out how to transfer it yet. I didn’t take notes or anything, but the gist is that we conservatives – the menfolk, at least – should stop wearing Reagan-evoking suits all the time and get back into the business of claiming a piece of popular culture. Not wearing a suit at the time, and being all about abusing popular culture for my own purposes, I thought that this was a marvelous notion.

There will be a better post of all of this once I get the video of the talk sent to me.

Crossposted to RedState.

I don’t normally do these kind of…

…’round the blogs posts; but it is kind of funny that Cynthia Yockley’s (aka The Conservative Lesbian) poking of Stacey McCain’s condemnation of gay marriage caused him to disseminate a picture that now apparently makes for the most interesting automatic a*d* choices.

One trembles to contemplate what this post will do. Although, speaking as someone who was a spatula serf for seven years, really: the entire purpose of the fast-food restaurant is that you get food. Fast.

Not that violence is an appropriate response, of course.

So why did you vote for the AIG payoffs, Rep Kanjorski (D, IN-11)? [Actually, PA-11]

[UPDATE] Yeah, let me fix this.
[UPDATE the second.] Not much to fix at all, really. Just a state and a readjustment of how much money he took off of PMA. Whew!
[UPDATE the third.] And hi, Instapundit readers. Never mind the first two updates; they were mostly to fix a snide aside that doesn’t affect the main point. My karmic backlash of the day, clearly.

You’re ever-so-angry about this, to be sure:

…but you voted for the debt bill that your fellow-Democrat Senator Dodd loaded down with a loophole permitting these payments. If you’re so concerned, why didn’t you actually do something about it at the time? After all, you voted against the first stimulus bill, which I believe didn’t have this provision in it; so wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that the version of the debt bill that did have AIG exemptions was more attractive to you?
Continue reading So why did you vote for the AIG payoffs, Rep Kanjorski (D, IN-11)? [Actually, PA-11]

I couldn’t get past the second sentence.

Then again, why should I?

MARCH 18–Meet Michelle Owen. Concerned that an ex-boyfriend had used her laptop to search for child pornography, the Indiana woman asked police to search the computer for illegal images, but had her plan backfire when cops discovered two videos of her engaged in illicit acts with a dog.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) Like Robert Anton Wilson’s “No wife, no horse, no mustache” there’s no chance at all that the follow-up is going to match the lead-in, so why bother?

Obama to quietly break promise on recognizing Armenian genocide.

Which happened, by the way.

I said that it did back in February, and I say it now. It happened, and while there are consequences to saying that it happened, there are consequences to not saying so, too. And the administration has apparently decided to go with the latter set of consequences.

Obama wavers on pledge to declare Armenian genocide

The Obama administration is hesitating on a promised presidential declaration that Armenians were the victims of genocide in the early 20th century, fearful of alienating Turkey when U.S. officials badly want its help.

President Obama and other top administration officials pledged during the presidential campaign to officially designate the 1915 killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Turks as genocide. Many Armenian Americans, who are descendants of the victims and survivors, have long sought such a declaration.

But the administration also has been soliciting Ankara’s help on Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and other security issues amid Turkish warnings that an official U.S. statement would imperil Turkey’s assistance.

Administration officials are considering postponing a presidential statement, citing progress toward a thaw in relations between Turkey and neighboring Armenia. Further signs of warming — such as talk of reopening border crossings — would strengthen arguments that a U.S. statement could imperil the progress.

Continue reading Obama to quietly break promise on recognizing Armenian genocide.

Why is Scott Murphy (D Cand, NY-20) soliciting $4,800 contributions?

Isn’t that illegal?

Here’s the screenshot, taken this morning:

As you can clearly see, he’s still asking for campaign contributions for both the primary and general election… even though the primary is over. There are rules about maximum donations, and he’s violating them.

The regulating agency for this one is the FEC, not the NY State Board of Elections: unfortunately, they only take notarized letters (info on how to do that can be found here). So I suggest that you do the following two things. First, click on the link below and contribute:

…second, give the NY Democratic Party a call at 212.725.8825 or 518.463.1663 and ask them whether they’re standing by their candidate’s violation of McCain-Feingold. While you’re at it, you should ask them whether Murphy is still standing by his support of the stimulus (which Tedisco does oppose), now that it means that he’d be signing off on AIG bonuses.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.