Gonna record for a podcast (Todd Talks) Sunday! (I am available for other podcasts.)

It’s called Todd Talks. I know the guy from Fright Reads, and he’s just starting it up, so I get to get in at the ground floor, as it were. I should note that we’re supposed to be recording Sunday, so I don’t know yet when it’s going to be actually on. But you know me: I’m always happy to natter on for fifteen, twenty minutes about my books.

Speaking of

Moe Lane

PS: Again, I am available for other podcasts.


Reminder: TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION, VOL 2 has a Backerkit preorder store.

Found here. We’re starting to get to the point where TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION will be, like, a real book and everything. So now is the time to get your signed paperback preorders! Or… my other books, too. I’ll be signing those copies, as well.

For those unfamiliar, TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 is part of my Fermi Resolution post-apocalyptic fantasy series. As the cover shows, it’s set in a future where magic caused the collapse of technological society… only people aren’t taking that lying down. And yeah, I look forward to seeing that cover in print, too.

06/21/2024 Snippet, SEVEN FLAGS.

Going to skip ahead and back a bit.

“Yes,” Jan interjected. “Not to mention all the paperwork. These aren’t the old days, where you just grabbed replacement gear off a dead man and hoped your new legionary brand wasn’t too ugly. You have to sign things, instead. Things have become much smoother.” She dimpled. “As long as you have enough crayons.”

“Crayons?” asked Vivana. “Yes, why is it that your, ah, people use those, instead of quills?” 

Liza noted that the mage didn’t even bother bringing up Hershey ballpoints. That was probably why she deadpanned, “We like to eat them,” just to see what would happen. 

What happened was a frown from Viviana, a strangled snort from Cabot — and a dirty look from Jan. “The Tribune will have her little joke. The truth is, they’re more reliable when it comes to marking things up that aren’t paper. Beeswax we have in plenty, and we can make more in the field.”

Yes, thought Liza, but they do taste good. All that fruit they use for the coloring…oh, well, we’re trying to look civilized now.

06/18/2024 Snippet, PICKMAN’S MODELS.

Still working on the story sampler!

Or, in the case of some of the shrines, other people. “How long?” Tobias asked, without looking. 

There was enough air that he didn’t need the radio to hear Buckley’s response. “A week, sir. At most. In this heat the flesh is going to — well, you can see what’ll happen.” He sounded clinical about it, which made sense, right? “It’d be really unsafe to take off your helmets in this muck, sir. Trust me on this.”

“Understood, Buckley. You see something interesting, Lieutenant?”

Reithner jumped, slightly. She had been peering at a painted frieze of — well, the inscription said ‘Maguglpur,’ but the picture was clearly of the god the Red Imperials called ‘Bonefarmer.’ The half-flesh, half-skull was diagnostic; so were the little pictures of humans, impaled on femurs. Worse, it was fresh. The horrible scenes Tobias had studied at the Academy had felt distant, safely consigned to history. This was something from current events. 


DUELING SIX DEMONS is my buddy Jim Geraghty’s latest Dangerous Clique spy thriller novel, and I’m looking forward to reading it today. If only if because this may very well be the book where Jim finally bites the bullet and admits that he’s been writing occult/theurgic spy thrillers all along. Wish him luck! …And buy the series. It’s good.
