Group seed: MCB Distribution.

MCB Distribution – Google Docs


MCB Distribution


MCB Distribution is an international corporation with offices in Los Angeles, Shanghai, and Frankfurt, with a fourth to open in Petrograd by the beginning of next year. It is privately owned, aggressively protects its privacy, and relies heavily on its client list to keep governmental interference to a minimum.  With that kind of operating methodology, you’d expect MCB to be a truly awful corporation — and guess what? You’d be right.

Continue reading Group seed: MCB Distribution.

Adventure Seed: Operation HANDLEBAR APRICOT.

Operation HANDLEBAR APRICOT – Google Docs



On Wednesday, August 2, 2017, a National Parks Service worker at the Saugus Iron Works Historical Site in Saugus, Massachusetts discovered the violently murdered corpse of an older woman. As per NPS policy in Special Metaphysical Enforcement Areas (which includes the Saugus site), the site was immediately secured until an emergency containment team could be dispatched. Fortunately, the immediate crime scene could be isolated from outside view while containment protocols were followed; the area was judged sanitized by the early morning of Thursday, August 3.

Continue reading Adventure Seed: Operation HANDLEBAR APRICOT.

Creature Seed: Steroid Squirrels.

Steroid Squirrels – Google Docs

Steroid Squirrels


Actually, it’s worse than you think.  They’re steroid explosive squirrels. The concept is as simple as it is depraved: how do you get a bioweapon package widely dispersed?  Why, you blow up the container in which it is currently housed.  But you don’t blow it up too much; simply converting a squirrel’s body fat and blood into a mildly explosive gas would do the trick nicely, for given values of ‘nicely.’  It took researchers two years to come up with the right genetic tweaks, but once they had them, the future was theirs.

Continue reading Creature Seed: Steroid Squirrels.

The Dolorous Motley [Unknown Armies]

Dolorous Motley – Google Docs

The Dolorous Motley [Unknown Armies]


Power: Minor


Description: Imagine a set of jester’s motley, only all done in shades of grey.  Dust rises from the Motley whenever it’s struck, and no amount of cleaning will ever get rid of the dust.  On the plus side, it’s well-made (the tatters are strictly for show), surprisingly easy to remove, is warm in the winter, and cool in the summer.

Continue reading The Dolorous Motley [Unknown Armies]

In Nomine Revisted: Ultima Thule (Domain)

Ultima Thule (Domain) – Google Docs

Ultima Thule (Domain)

I would like to note for the record that I am well aware that there is a lot of pseudo-history enshrined below. To paraphrase Ken Hite, bad scholarship means good gaming.

Features: Common Tongue, Dream Magnet, Fierce Figments, Infinite, Malleable (+3), Hostile (Constant warfare), Oasis, Sticky (only worse: ethereals, once in, can’t leave).

You’ve heard the old saying “Old Nazis never die; they just move to South America?” Well, it’s not true. They die. And then, if they know the trick, they move to Ultima Thule.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisted: Ultima Thule (Domain)

The Ogre video game is now live on Steam.

Twenty five bucks.  For that you get multiplayer, and what looks to be an absolutely faithful computer version of the game.  Which very much includes the visual look.  The aesthetic goal here seems to have been ‘automate all the movement and combat rolls and everything boring,’ while reproducing the way that tabletop Ogre presented itself. Add that to an actual single-player campaign and you just may have a video game on your hands.

In Nomine Revisited: Basic Celestial conversion (GURPS In Nomine) (4E).

Basic Celestial (GURPS 4E) – Google Docs

I ran across this while looking for something else: back in the day, I went ahead and converted the basic stats for celestials (angels and demons, basically) in GURPS In Nomine from 3rd to 4th edition.  I also converted a bunch of Servitor Attunements and whatnot; I should collate them and put them up, too.  Something to work on.

Continue reading In Nomine Revisited: Basic Celestial conversion (GURPS In Nomine) (4E).

Creature seed: Octopia Octopuses.

Octopia Octopuses – Google Docs

Octopia Octopuses


To use the classic Mad Scientist trope: it seemed a good idea at the time.  It always does, doesn’t it? Then again, if it was a bad idea then most people wouldn’t try it, by definition.


Anyway, when researchers discovered that octopuses (don’t start) were busily creating cities — in the sense that video games create cities, which means that there’s about a dozen or so of them vaguely wandering around each other amid a somewhat sketchy amount of infrastructure — most people said “Huh.” A few said “That’s interesting.”  And one said “A-ha! This sounds like it will be the perfect place to test out my Neuro-Physio Octopode Mutation Serum! Mwhah bah hah hah hahh!!!!!”  Because of course.

Continue reading Creature seed: Octopia Octopuses.

Item Seed: Devil’s Needle.

Devil’s Needle – Google Docs

Devil’s Needle


History, in fact, does give us the name of the person who first figured out how to zombify the San Pedro cactus.  His name was Leopold Frederick Danvers-Greenly; and his dark fate for creating such a horrible thing was to peacefully die, in his bed, at the age of eighty-seven.  They say that the wages of sin are death, but in Leopold’s case the benefits package included a baronetcy, a rather nice townhouse in a respectable London neighborhood, and any number of grieving grandchildren.

Continue reading Item Seed: Devil’s Needle.

The 7th Sea: Khitai Kickstarter is live.

Basically, 7th Sea: Khitai is going to be China for 7th Sea  — and not Legend of the Five Rings, which is off doing its own revival somewhere else, I believe.  That was more Japanese, anyway.  This one looks very wuxia:

Which is good, because I like wuxia.  In other 7th Sea news: the proofs for its The New World supplement are out, and it would appear that they didn’t forget that I pledge drived for the ultimate birthday / anniversary / Christmas present for my wife. I can’t wait to see the picture that will be in the final version.