The BARBIE Honest Trailer.

I admit to being disappointed that it was not the BARBIEHEIMER Honest Trailer, but that might have taken a bit too much work. BARBIE and OPPENHEIMER really do have distinct differences in tone and outlook, and trying to make that just work would be hard. Making it funny? …Well, maybe you could do it, for a minute or two. It’s sustaining it that would be the problem.

Continue reading The BARBIE Honest Trailer.

First set of edits for GHOST ON AN ALIEN WIND are in the can!

Queue the excited gibbering and meeping. I still have to go into the first chapter and punch it up considerably, which I will do… tomorrow. Tomorrow sounds good. Brain tired needs foods.

After that, I send GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND back to my editor for another quick pass-through, just to catch whatever typos we missed the first time. After that… crap, it’ll be time to publish another book. This will be my fourth novel. Fancy that.


So, Osprey Publishing is in the gaming business now.

I apologize in advance for the future state of your wallets. But it makes a good deal of sense, really. Lots of gamers buy Osprey’s military books. Lots of wargamers buy their books. Osprey has clearly decided that they should just eliminate the middleman and sell wargames to their existing clientele directly.

Continue reading So, Osprey Publishing is in the gaming business now.

This point on Unity-based digital piracy is spot-on.

Under this model Unity is touting, illegal downloads of games using Unity will cause their developers to lose money directly and you would be stealing from them and you can no longer say to anyone in this world or the next that you had never been told.

Tweet of the Day, …It’s Not A BAD Strategy edition.

And, yet: wow.

There’s a lot of drama going on behind that fairly bland statement. I’m sure I don’t have to explain exactly what though, right? It’s obvious even to me, and I’m absolutely a civilian. Career military must be rolling in the aisles.

Got some more chapters edited on GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND.

And I think I fixed a bit of a problem that the editor was flagging with it, in a way that neither bugged me, nor demanded an entire rewrite of a couple of chapters. One of the problems with writing a book is that you forget sometimes what you’ve written, or you change your mind about something halfway through and forget to revise everything to reflect that. Hopefully I’ve stamped on that particular issue.

PS: Buy my books! MORGAN BAROD and TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION are half off in paperback right now. I dunno why, either.