Announcing the Halloween 2024 Chapbook sale!

Starting Saturday, all five of my illustrated four-story chapbooks will be on sale for 99 cents. This is a Halloween sale, so originally I was just going to do it for Anagnorisis and Revisionary – but then I decided that all the other chapbooks had horror stories in them, too, so why not go nuts? Certainly getting the whole schmeer for less than five bucks ought to be a bit attractive.

Adventures in non-Amazon publishing!

Which is what I’ve been doing this morning. Conclusions: Draft To Digital is fairly comprehensive in getting a book together, including adding things like a table of contents or dedications for you, but their Extended Distribution royalty rates are horrible and I don’t think I can exclude Amazon from them. Barnes and Noble has a better royalty rate than I expected, but its book assembly process is far less useful than KDPs. I may still use it, but I’m first going to need to adjust the manuscript a good deal and possibly skip having a table of contents.

So that was what I did today so far. Illuminating, even if it made my brain a little sore.

Moe Lane

PS: Buy my books!


Obligatory semi-regular reminder: I am an Amazon Affiliate.

Even in these grim, post-blogospheric times Amazon links are a valued income stream for me. It would be a help if you clicked on them when buying things. Or… you could do it for other people, too. Some people need the affiliate income more than I do, admittedly.

I know I’m not supposed to say that last part if I want people to click my links, but I feel bad if I don’t.


Well, the books are supposed to be showing up tomorrow…

…but they haven’t shipped yet. Said books being the ones I need to sign and send out for the Kickstarter. It’s not a big problem, but I was hoping to get through them by Thursday because I’m doing field at an SCA event this weekend, and won’t be able to do any book-processing then. Ach, well. Life happens and we’re still well ahead of schedule.

I hit a nice, divisible-by-ten milestone in Amazon sales today!

I have sold 850 books on Amazon since I have started this entire self-published fiction thing! That number includes books and e-books, but doesn’t include thing like “Pickman’s Model” and the Kindle Vella short stories*. 243 books per year (I started about halfway through 2020) sold through Amazon… isn’t too bad, honestly. I want to thank who has ever taken a chance on my stuff. It’s greatly appreciated.

Continue reading I hit a nice, divisible-by-ten milestone in Amazon sales today!

So you’ve gotten yourself an Amazon gift card (Spoiler: click through and use the links).

Not gonna lie: it’d be awesome if you clicked through, and got one of my books. But just generally clicking through would be awesome, too. Or, if not me, then for an Amazon Affiliate you’re more fond of. Every little bit helps, hey?


FALLOUT Amazon TV series drops 04/12/2024.

The open question is, will it bomb? In theory, a FALLOUT show should be the easiest damned thing in the world to produce. You spend most of your budget on flashy-looking crap, and use old sets that have been weathering in the California semi-arid wastes for decades for the rest. The plots are all Mad Social Science and unsubtle parodies of social commentary; stir in a little mild body horror and dark humor, and just go from there. This is not hard.

And yet, all sensible people are worried about this show.

Now is the time to read *and review* GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND!

The print version of GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is off for review, and hopefully it’ll be approved in the next couple of days. Equally hopefully, I’ll have copies for Doxacon. In the meantime: once you’re done with the book, don’t forget to review it on Amazon and Goodreads! Reviews (and ratings) are the lifeblood of modern authors. The more there are, the more interest is taken in the book. The more interest is taken, the better the sale numbers — which is how you get authors to get more books published. ‘Tis the Circle of Print, although hopefully with fewer dead zebra.

Moe Lane