Welp, that’s the last of the first wave of FERMI RESOLUTION RPG edits done.

I should be get the rules edits by the end of the month, not to mention the rest of the art. After that, I can send the project back, have my layout designer clean up everything, and then… it’ll be done! And praise God.

A slightly spoilerific sample page after the fold. The final language will change, mind.

Continue reading Welp, that’s the last of the first wave of FERMI RESOLUTION RPG edits done.

Finishing up what edits I need to for the worldbook.

Mostly so that I don’t have it hanging over my head when I finally get the rest of the stuff. The edits to the rules language and the new art work will be fairly significant, and I don’t want to feel oppressed when it comes time to integrate them into the RPG. Besides, it’s somewhat satisfying to see the work progress. I’ve wanted the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook off of my to-do list for a while now.

Infrastructure Day today here at MoeLane.com.

I spent the day alternating between finishing up this month’s Patreon short story and applying edits to the RPG worldbook. As I said this morning, having the file makes a lot of things easier, not to mention much less expensive. So much so I might be able to adjust 2022’s print schedule a little. …Might. Haven’t worked out all the details yet.

Anyway: curiously productive day.

Moe Lane

PS: Oh! And I got a haircut.


Work continues!

Got the first-look files for the RPG. It came out well, in my opinion. Oh, the text still needs edits, and extra art added (both are in the process of being finalized). But THE FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK took a large step forward to publication.

And damn, but that cover is gorgeous.

Moe Lane

PS: Buy my books! …Obviously, this is directed to any first-time visitors to my site.

Getting some critical editing for the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG!

Not as much editing as I would like for it, but the most important bits are going to get professionally proofed and pared down. I’m now hammering out the details of the art. With any luck, I could have the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG supplement ready for layout by November! Which would be awesome*.

Continue reading Getting some critical editing for the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG!

Started up some of the stuff for MORGAN BAROD.

Mostly, I might – might – have the cover art squared away. No guarantees, yet: but if it works out I can’t wait for people to see it. MORGAN BAROD’s going to be a weird book generally, which is a pretty good argument for not Kickstarting it. If if goes down in flames then at least it’s not taking other people’s money with it.

Beta readers will probably be needed at some time in March. I’m hoping for a June launch, but that may be optimistic. We’ll see.