If you’ve read FROZEN DREAMS, and you’ve been putting off reviewing it, I could really use honest verified reader reviews. Either Amazon or Goodreads will do. Both would do better. If you haven’t read FROZEN DREAMS… well, I write books now. Perhaps one might suit you?
Continue reading Now would be an absolutely *wonderful* time to review FROZEN DREAMS.Tag: frozen dreams
The audiobook for FROZEN DREAMS is now 12% off!
I think this is permanent, but I’m not sure. Audible is apparently reducing prices across the board, so their loss is your gain. FROZEN DREAMS is the only book I have in audiobook form right now, but who knows? If it starts selling, maybe I can figure out how to budget audiobooks for my future novels, too…
Moe Lane
$70 to go to $500/year!
I know that this seems like a weird sort of goal, but there’s a point to it. See, the goal for 2023 will be to break four figures a year from my writing; and while my Patreon will be invaluable in that regard (and conventions will help a lot), Amazon is where I need to be selling. So, buy my books! They make excellent Christmas gifts, I’m morally certain of it.
Continue reading $70 to go to $500/year!It’s Cyber-Monday!
Remember, FROZEN DREAMS is still on sale for 99 cents as part of the Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale! Check out more books on sale (from other authors) here! Or buy directly from your favorites!
Book of the Week: FROZEN DREAMS.
FROZEN DREAMS, after all, is on super-99 cent sale this week as part of this larger promotion. Check it out; check them out. Etc, etc, etc.
Behold! The Based Black Friday/Cyber Monday Book Sale!
I’m in on this one with FROZEN DREAMS. 99 cents on Kindle! Tell all your friends! Heck, tell your enemies, too, assuming that they happen to take your book recommendations seriously.
And check out the rest of the book sale! Fan favorites and nonfiction!
This is going to be the best post-apocalyptic high urban fantasy pulp detective novel you will read today! Join Shamus Tom Vargas as he Clears a murder Case in Cin City, capital of the magical kingdom of New California. It’s his job; in fact, you might say it’s his calling.
It’s been a weird couple of days.
Youngest child vomiting, wife underwent a routine yet draining medical procedure (everything is fine), and my schedule went squirrelly (and since school starts for the kids next Monday, it’s not a great time). Also, somebody’s put up a post about FROZEN DREAMS, because I’ve been moving copies for the last two days. Whoever it is: thanks! It’s been a big help. Every book I sell is a chance to build my audience.
So, mixed bag all around. I think I need a nap.
(Audio)book of the Week: FROZEN DREAMS.
I wish we had hit the Kickstarter stretch goal that would have let me do an audiobook of TINSEL RAIN. Alas. Maybe in a couple of years. In the meantime, get your audiobook copy of FROZEN DREAMS now!
Book of the Week: FROZEN DREAMS! (And TINSEL RAIN!)
FROZEN DREAMS is on super-sale and TINSEL RAIN is in Kickstarter (the two are not unrelated). And I am really, really tired. Talking to adults all day is hard.
The TINSEL RAIN alpha edits are done!
Huzzah! I’ll be collecting emails from everybody who volunteered to beta read tonight and send over the text tomorrow. Looking forward to getting more feedback. And starting the Kickstarter, so that I can maybe pay for this sucker. And, of course, publishing TINSEL RAIN…
Moe Lane
PS: Don’t forget to indoctrinate your friends!