Seriously. If you are thinking about doing anything on Kickstarter or another crowd-funding site, go get that cup of coffee, drink it, and peruse this how-to guide. Somebody sat down and did the math on how to budget a project properly, and then showed us the math, and the advice offered was so freaking matter-of-fact competent that I went and ponied up for her Kickstarter on the spot. Seriously, that’s probably the most bang for my fifteen bucks that I’ve gotten in a while. If for no other reason that it told me what you should be thinking about when you’re thinking of running your own crowd-funding project.

Via @RichBurlew and @mariancall.

Tweet of the Day, Delta Green Will Return! edition.

Coolness. I am curious to see where Delta Green ended up.  It ended up somewhere bad, of course – but that’s bad in the ‘bad luck’ sense, and hopefully not the ‘bad game’ one:

…What? Oh, that staffer with racial issues is apparently no longer at Kickstarter*. I can link to projects again, if I want to. And so I shall.

Moe Lane

*Obviously, my boycott had nothing to do with it, but it’s the principle of the thing.

This would have been a post about a @kickstarter project, but they hire racists…

…as noted here – so it’s not a post about a Kickstarter project.  Many of my readers would have been really happy to hear about that project, too – but, hey. A company’s priorities are a company’s priorities, am I right?

Moe Lane

PS: Oh, I’ll still personally sign up for a Kickstarter project.  That primarily benefits the producer. Free advertising on my site, on the other hand, benefits Kickstarter itself a little bit too much for my liking right now.

PPS: I am not even remotely expecting that this will make any significant difference, of course: if nothing’s been done** in the last three months then nothing will be done, and this is a 2K hit/day blog. But I find that I simply cannot just let this sort of thing slide without some kind of response.

*Yes, it’s a story from December.  I can hold a grudge as well as anybody.

**I couldn’t even find a sorry-you-were-offended.