Tweet of the Day, Are Traditional Publishing Companies Just Laundering Money For The Mob Or Something? edition.

You have to wonder. Anyway, I’ve seen this myself, and as a reader, I find it annoying. Mind you, as a writer it just puts more money in the pockets of independent authors, so that’s something, at least. Speaking of… buy my books!


Had a productive talk with Backerkit today.

The word of the day is discoverability. This is what Backerkit felt I wanted for my crowdfunding projects; and as soon as I heard the word, I agreed with them. The problem is not that I’m at all worried that the Fermi Resolution Worldbook will not fund. I’m not worried, because it will fund, and very possibly on the first day. What I’m trying to do with this project is go beyond my usual supporters* and pull in people who will be discovering my stuff for the first time. That is a somewhat different problem to solve.

Continue reading Had a productive talk with Backerkit today.

It’s Christmas! Give the gift of me!

You can:

…I really do hate marketing, but this is how the sausage is made.


Books of the week: FROZEN DREAMS & TINSEL RAIN.

Lame? YES! Also necessary? …Also YES! It’s even legitimate: this was Thanksgiving week. I spent most of it either dealing with the aftermath of my cold, taking care of my eldest who was having one, or cooking. The FROZEN DREAMS & TINSEL RAIN Black Friday sale is the most interesting book-related thing from all week.


The November Patreon stuff is up!

I’m mildly cheating, but only mildly. Chapter Four of BANSHEE BEACH had tons of [put something cool in here] notes, which is both necessary and a terrifying thing to do. What if you forget? …I’ve seen those things get as far as an E-ARC. It’s a valid fear.



  • Short Story: Chapter Four of BANSHEE BEACH: It’s Forty Miles to Red Beach. The world of the Fermi Resolution is kind of weird, because it’s post-apocalyptic, not medieval. This book’s gonna get into that a little, methinks.
  • RPG Material: The Cunning Land, Part One: Background. This is gonna be a little more hard-edged than originally conceived. The trick is gonna be not to make it too hard-edged.

I have an opinion on an alternate history series…

…only thing is, I don’t sell enough books to be able to effectively offer it. I mean, yeah, it’s a free country. I’m allowed to sneer. But it’ll still just come across as sour grapes; and, if we’re being brutally honest about it, that impression might not be completely wrong.

So. Buy my books! Allow me the luxury of a good writer’s feud!

Continue reading I have an opinion on an alternate history series…

The October Patreon stuff is up!

Yes, we are going a bit early today. As the poet said: “Prepare the viands, prepare the foods, prepare the strange wines, for tonight is indeed a great night!”

…Well, hopefully nothing so dramatic as what happened after, but still.


  • Short Story: The Goblin. Fair warning: it’s both short, and fairly horrible. I’m not really sorry about either.
  • RPG Material: The Cunning Land: Introduction. This is the start of the new project. I wanted to see if I could fit the entire premise of the game world in a children’s poem. Let me know if it worked!
  • Poem: Halloween 2024. Just for fun.


Announcing the Halloween 2024 Chapbook sale!

Starting Saturday, all five of my illustrated four-story chapbooks will be on sale for 99 cents. This is a Halloween sale, so originally I was just going to do it for Anagnorisis and Revisionary – but then I decided that all the other chapbooks had horror stories in them, too, so why not go nuts? Certainly getting the whole schmeer for less than five bucks ought to be a bit attractive.