The Revised and somewhat expanded ‘Audition’ is up on Patreon.

I was going to send this out to be sold somewhere, but: there’s nowhere to send it to. Novelettes and novellas are the bastard children of the writing world anyway, and all the paying venues are drowning in a sea of slush piles overflowing with AI popslop. Patreon is where the stories get sold, now. It’s all about the subscriptions.

So. Tell your friends!

Moe Lane

PS: I’m giving serious consideration to expanding my Substack to include reprints of some of the stuff found here. I don’t know if I want to, though. Or if I want to create paywalled posts for said Substack, in addition to the free posts I do now over there. It’s a tough question for me.

Tweet of the Day, I Am Not Accommodating iOS On My Patreon edition.

Short version is: part of the change on this is that Patreon is doing a mandatory switch to a subscription billing model, instead of first-of-the-month billing. I don’t expect to get any new readers from Apple products anyway; my readers seem indifferent to the proposed change; and every time something does change in this sort of thing, somebody unsubscribes*. It’s not in my best interests to mess with the status quo, in other words.

So no thanks.

*Yeah, I know the last two points come across as contradictory. They’re also both true. Sue me.

The September Patreon stuff is up!

Huzzah. Short story is only three thousand words, because I realized I needed to work out who those guys actually were. I have a better feel for them, now.


Patreon Microfiction: Rationalization.

Yeah, ‘Rationalization’ works as a title on several levels. You gotta feel at least a little bad for that entity, though. The situation is obviously not optimal, only nobody involved and making dumb decisions particularly wants it fixed. They just want somebody to blame. We’ve all been there.