“Only Six Hours? A NIGHT?” is very firmly in the ‘Humans are Space Orcs’ tradition of modern Internet fiction. I enjoy that genre very much, by the way. The trick is to find something new that works as a hidden superpower.
Tag: patreon
The new BOLD MARAUDER serial is up.
A few days late, but I was sick. And now it’s up, and I can stop feeling bad about it. Huzzah!
Microfiction: Detachment of the Grave.
Zombies never made as much sense to me as revenants do. I can buy the idea of a spirit taking control of its old body and piloting it with the, ah, detachment of the grave more than I can really believe in a shambling zombie with a hunger for brains and warm flesh. The latter just seems to require more steps, I guess.
Patreon Microfiction: Let Sleeping Djinni Lie.
I cannot counsel that enough. Let Sleeping Djinni Lie. Wishes are dangerous.
Patreon Microfiction: Ain’t Your Business.
He provides a necessary and valuable service for the community. He does not overcharge for his services. He is scrupulous in adhering to local law, customs, and moral codes. So, indeed, what he does with the fruits probably Ain’t Your Business.
My Halloween poem is up on Patreon!
Public, so everybody can see it. I forgot to do one last year, apparently. Don’t know what I was thinking, or not thinking…
Anyway, Happy (almost) Halloween!
Check your Patreon status.
This isn’t a nag at people to fix their credit card information, just a reminder that if your card gets declined you’ll end up not seeing the paid stuff at my Patreon. Or possibly not even the free stuff. I’m never going to give anybody grief for ending their support for me here, but if it’s just that something technical happened with a credit card expiration or something, well…
PS: You can tell your friends about my Patreon, mind you. It is, as they say, allowed.
Patreon Microfiction: Beneath Their Notice.
“When elephants fight, the grass suffers.” The conceit of “Beneath Their Notice” is that the grass has an opinion about that. And possibly even a response.
THE GOBLIN is now available on Patreon for free members.
I’m trying to sweeten the pot, get some signups that way. THE GOBLIN was recently made available for people with paid memberships; this is the free-membership version. Check it out, and you don’t need to tell me that the protagonist is at least mildly awful. I wrote him to be that way.
The Revised and somewhat expanded ‘Audition’ is up on Patreon.
I was going to send this out to be sold somewhere, but: there’s nowhere to send it to. Novelettes and novellas are the bastard children of the writing world anyway, and all the paying venues are drowning in a sea of slush piles overflowing with AI popslop. Patreon is where the stories get sold, now. It’s all about the subscriptions.
So. Tell your friends!
Moe Lane
PS: I’m giving serious consideration to expanding my Substack to include reprints of some of the stuff found here. I don’t know if I want to, though. Or if I want to create paywalled posts for said Substack, in addition to the free posts I do now over there. It’s a tough question for me.