Monotony Money [Unknown Armies]



Monotony Money [Unknown Armies]


It’s sometimes referred to as ‘Meta-Money’ by those members of the occult underground who know something about roleplaying games (a surprising number of them don’t).  It typically takes the form of a piece of fake $20 currency from a certain board game, suitably inscribed with an increasing number of sigils and mystic runes; the only rule for the writing seems to be that it also has to involve the number 20 somehow.  Nobody knows who started the first one; but you just know when a proffered piece of Monotony Money is the real deal.

Continue reading Monotony Money [Unknown Armies]

Creature Seed: Doctor Brillat-Dessaigne’s Valiant Riding Caterpillars.


Doctor Brillat-Dessaigne’s Valiant Riding Caterpillars


This… is an example of what happens when you have to balance what the client wants with what the vendor can produce.  What the client (in this case, an extremely well-connected general high up in the French military hierarchy) wanted was two-man giant caterpillar cavalry, for admittedly mostly ceremonial use.  What the vendor could produce was a giant caterpillar permanently ‘frozen’ at its immature state that could barely carry one man, provided that he had a small amount of gear.  When the general in question saw this, of course, he immediately… opened his mouth, contemplated the matter, closed his mouth, then told an aide to go fetch him a certain minor official in a certain obscure department who certainly wasn’t a representative of the Third Republic’s most secretive black ops organization.  

Continue reading Creature Seed: Doctor Brillat-Dessaigne’s Valiant Riding Caterpillars.

We’re all doomed: they upgraded Star Wars: X-Wing for modern computers.

This is really, really, REALLY bad.  I have to EAT and SLEEP and WEAR SHOES every so often. This is not going to be helpful:

Moe Lane

PS: Four bucks on Steam for the original, then you add the free mod.

So, I picked up Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate on Steam Sale.

50% off.  Downloaded it last night, have been playing it since.  First reaction: not as good as Black Flag, but I knew that going in.  For what it is it’s pretty good; I’m having a fun time. It helps a lot that, so far, this is in no way a darkly serious game.  In fact, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate is danged absurd at times – and it knows it, but it simply does not care.  I’m fine with this, actually. I just want to be a Victorian Batman/Batgirl who kills bad guys.

As I noted: super-sale, so check it out.