Had to work on *two* computers today.

Which is good; it distracted me from immigration strategizing stupidity.  Anyhow, finally got the old computer configured as the kid’s new computer and got the video editing software installed on the new computer. The latter was much easier than the former: the former was largely an exercise in doing the exact same thing six times in a row, until it inexplicably decides to finally work.  It makes me wonder whether there’s normally a secret chant involved, or perhaps a spirit that needed to be placated.


Oh, like you haven’t wondered that yourself, sometimes.

Martin O’Malley not running for MD-SEN seat, surprisingly.

You’d think that he’d be all over this, but no: “Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley said Tuesday he will not run for Senate in 2016, taking himself out of what could be a messy Democratic primary race to replace retiring Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski.” That is… very interesting. Maybe there really is an internal Democratic movement afoot to give Hillary the old heave-ho convince the Distinguished former Secretary of State that she should relax a little, and enjoy her twilight years.  Certainly O’Malley would have much more of a shot in a completely open Presidential field…

Or maybe O’Malley just wants to spend the rest of his life cashing fat lobbying checks. I could see that, too.

Pelgrane Press is doing a ‘RPG Geek DramaSystem’ contest.

Via @ShadowHexagram comes this contest news:

Have you ever wished you could write your own Series Pitch or show one you’ve never dared post anywhere on the internet? Then the RPG Geek DramaSystem Contest is exactly what you need.

Make up a Series Pitch like the ones you can find in Robin D. Laws‘s Hillfolk, Blood on the Snow or Series Pitch of the Month, and send it to shadow_hexagram [at] hotmail [dot] fr (it’s fr, not com) before April 13, 2015 11:50pm GMT (London time).

I’m  gonna do this, I think. No money in it, but store credit, and I need the practice. Besides, it’d be fun.

Tweet of the Day, Harken To The Mocking Laughter Of Jeff Bezos edition.

We all knew that this day would come. It was preordained. It was destiny. It was also apparently taken down within nanoseconds, but alas everybody reflexively screenshots these days.

Vox. Sentences. I am in a perverse kind of awe. All this time I’ve tried to find the killer app for monetizing online progressive stupidity, and Vox stumbles across it like nobody’s business.

The Bear apparently cannot change its… pelt, I guess.

Well, this is appalling.

Both that the Putin regime thinks that it can get away with this, and that the Putin regime will probably be correct, at least in the short term. Sure, why not? Blame the assassination of one of the few remaining opposition leaders on a country that you’re planning to invade anyway. Who’s around to stop you, these days?

You know, I’m pretty sure that I’ve seen this movie before.

Book of the Week: “Reaper Man.”

Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett is the eleventh one in his Discworld series, and they’re being SOLD FOR FOUR BUCKS APIECE ON KINDLE, so why are you still here?  Seriously. This is, like a steal. :waving fingers: Go! Shoo! Buy Discworld books for four bucks!

And so, farewell to Superego.

Moe Lane

Hillary Clinton STARTED OFF as the villain. How does she plan to become the hero?

Let us address the central paradox of the Hillary Clinton campaign.  To do that, though, we must first refresh our memories.  Specifically, this ad:

Remember it? It is, of course, an edited version of the iconic Apple 1984 ad which was altered to convert it from revolutionary agitprop praising a multinational corporation to revolutionary agitprop praising an undistinguished machine politician from Chicago. And, to be fair, it was successful agitprop. We will be arguing for decades about just how Hillary Clinton managed to lose that primary fight, but she did – and videos like this probably didn’t hurt. Continue reading Hillary Clinton STARTED OFF as the villain. How does she plan to become the hero?