The Oh My F*CKING GOD Champions 4e Bundles of Holding.

This is insane. This is the Champions TTRPG of my – well, college years. Third Edition was the Champions of my actual ‘youth.’ I dunno if these Bundles of Holding have them all, but between the Champions 4E Essentials and the Champions 4E Universe they comes damned close. My fingers are twitching.

Moe Lane

PS: I do not need to sign up for Champions Online. I do not need to sign up for Champions Online. I do not need to sign up for Champions Online…


It’s been two weeks, but Backerkit’s giving my setup a final once-over and Kickstarter is sending my money to the bank. Which means that I can… wait some more! Yay!

Well, it’s a different kind of waiting, at least. I chafed under the two week thing, but I understand why both KS and BK have that policy. It makes sense to give small problems like expired credit cards resolve themselves before they become big problems. Having me sit around twiddling my thumbs for a while seems like a small price to pay, although I also lucked out by giving myself an extra month for fulfillment.

No, really, it was luck.

05/13/2020 Book Report, FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter.

Tomorrow is the time when Things Happen. It’ll be fourteen days since the FROZEN DREAMS Kickstarter ended, so the money should be released; and that means people get paid! Also, it means that I can start up Backerkit and get surveys going. Once the Backerkit is fully up, there’ll be a store for pre-orders and whatnot. I don’t expect very many pre-orders – but then, I didn’t expect very many backers, either, so what do I know?

05/13/2020 Snippet, OLD LOU.

Old Lou will be this month’s Patreon story, and I can’t wait to have people read it. It’s a standalone, too – and thank God. Look, I enjoy the Fermi Resolution world quite a bit and I think people will like it, but I’ve been steeped in this book and universe for how long this year? It’s nice to just make stuff up as I go without having to look it up in my notes first.

Continue reading 05/13/2020 Snippet, OLD LOU.