07/12/2024 Snippet, PICKMAN’S MODELS.

Time to buckle down on some stuff.

“Anybody got a suit that’s still got a working translator?” Tobias looked around, grimacing at the irregular chorus of head-shakes. Apparently the Euros had cannibalized all the ‘useless’ circuits and chips from their suits, too. And why not? He snorted. Everybody speaks English up here, because we won’t speak anything else. “Well, maybe we’ll find somebody who does speak it. Until then… we got a trail to follow, Buckley?”

Buckley was crouched over some of the furrows. “…Yes, I think we do. It’s faint, but our, ah, suits can track them. We’ll need to take it slow. Nice and careful, no messing around.”

“Understood. We’ll proceed until we find somebody. Squaddies up front, and we all keep together. Buddy up, and yell if your buddy’s gone, even for a second.”

“Understood, sir.” Reithner paused. “Assume hostile intent now, sir?”

“No,” Tobias responded, “but be prepared for it.”

Tweet of the Day, The Books Behind FROZEN DREAMS edition.

It’s interesting.

Sweet Silver Blues is a stand-in for Glen Cook’s Garrett Files generally, and obviously Cast A Deadly Spell is itself. What was interesting was that when I went to go look up Sweet Silver Blues my fingers typed out The Lonely Silver Rain, and that’s absolutely correct. Tom Vargas owes a good bit to Travis McGee. Also Carl Kolchak, and even Eddie Valiant, but the meme asked only for three.

In the E-Mail: 1635: THE WEAVER’S CODE (E-ARC)

1635: THE WEAVER’S CODE is obviously from the Ring of Fire series. I don’t know how much Eric Flint himself worked on it before his death, but these books have always been collaborative efforts, which is one reason I enjoy them. Another is because they always start with a firm grounding in Seventeenth Century society and technology before they fold, spindle, and mutilate history. I actually learn things from the Ring of Fire books.

The ‘Why Is Not A Hulk Movie?’ CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD trailer.

There are hints that CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD is not as wretched as might be assumed. I still like the movies a lot more than the TV shows (I’ve largely given up on those). But this would’ve been better as a Hulk flick.

Tweet of the Day, God Bless The US District Court For The Northern District Of The Great State Of Texas (Fort Worth Division) edition.

This is potentially a great day for the American Republic.

Via @kennethhite.

…and now I am done with the passthrough on BANSHEE BEACH.

Doing this sort of thing is like assembling a flesh golem. The first thing you have to do is inventory your parts, then assemble the bones in the way you want your final golem to go. Then you can figure out how many more bones you need, as well as what kind of flesh you’ll have to use to connect them up. Once you have all of that, stitching everything together might still be difficult, but at least you’ll know what the plan is.

The only problem? Like necromancy, book-writing takes brainwork. I am tired. That always surprises me that sustained brain activity can cause physical fatigue. I’m not sure why.

Starting the pass-through on BANSHEE BEACH.

For clarification: what I’m doing right now is just rereading the existing text to BANSHEE BEACH, leaving notes on holes in the text, and generally reminding myself of the story. My priority is still to get TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 2 out, but I’m waiting on the next installment of edits. I might as well get other stuff done while I’ve got a little down time.

Moe Lane

PS: So far, the book doesn’t look half bad, actually. BANSHEE BEACH is part of a series, but I think it works as a standalone book, too. How about you buy a couple of copies of the first two, and tell me later if it all worked out?
