Am I the only one who cares about whether the beer’s good?

I can’t excerpt a single paragraph of this without bowdlerizing it; suffice it to say that a minor linguistic oddity (that some perfectly innocent words in German are very dirty ones in English) has been enthusiastically embraced by a British beer company in order to move product.

Which is fine, if a ‘Dude‘ – but what of the beer?  Is it good, or did it lose something going through the horse’s kidneys*?

Moe Lane

*Thank you, S.M. Stirling.

#rsrh Cynthia Yockey enmeshed further in the VRWC…

she did a call-in interview for the Rush Limbaugh show this morning (Mark Steyn guest-hosting: topic was gay conservative bloggers). Via Little Miss Attila.

I’m going to guess that there may have been just the faintest touch of surreality going on, there: speaking as a former Democrat I have to admit that having Rush merely mention one of my RedState pieces caused me to blink, the first time that it happened…

Moe Lane

DNC risks dead GOP Congressman… for $505.

Even the amount is insulting.

As you have undoubtedly heard by now, the FBI has arrested one Norman Leboon for death threats made against Congressman Eric Cantor, in the wake of the Democratic National Committee’s fear-mongering fundraising drive regarding… threats of organized GOP violence. This is not, by the way, the first time that Leboon has fallen for the Democratic’s party cynical agitprop; he was one of the plaintiffs in an anti-FISA lawsuit a few years back. So there’s a history there of him believing whatever nonsense that the Democrats fed him.

Well. Turns out he’s an Obama contributor from 2008, too. See here for the H/T, and see here for a video where he identifies himself as “Norman Leboon Sr.”  Sounds good enough to avoid the question mark I had in the title, so I’d like to ask Brad Woodhouse of the Democratic National Committee something (seeing as he was the guy who so publicly dismissed the need to ratchet down the rhetoric): what are you going to do to get rid of this blood money, Brad?  I mean, personally.

And another question: what were you going to say to Eric Cantor’s wife if the FBI hadn’t caught this guy in time?  Assuming that it wouldn’t have been a moot point anyway.


Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Man, I’m worried about getting punched by that Obamacare bill!

Because when they finally pass that thing, it’s supposed to have this massive and immediate effect on public opinion (ten points to the President was former President Clinton’s guess, I believe)…

What?  It passed last week?  Well, what was the result?

One week after the House of Representatives passed the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats, 54% of the nation’s likely voters still favor repealing the new law. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 42% oppose repeal.

Those figures are virtually unchanged from last week. They include 44% who Strongly Favor repeal and 34% who Strongly Oppose it.

So, you’re saying that I’ve already gotten hit, and I never even noticed?

Well, we are talking about Democrats, here. Can’t take a punch; can’t throw one, either.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

#rsrh QotD, Obama/Israel/Hot Air Edition.

Ed Morrissey, on the news that 327 Members of Congress have felt the urge to put daylight between themselves and the administration on the latter’s decision to try to bully Israel:

Accidental, latent, or overt, Obama’s hostility towards a key democracy in the most strategic part of the world has raised eyebrows of both Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill — perhaps belatedly, but not too late to put some serious pressure for this administration to grow the hell up.

It takes a good bit to make Ed swear (however mildly), ladies and gentlemen.  Although in this case I suspect that he was tempted to use a somewhat stronger word.  I am.

Moe Lane

DNC successful: Ablemarle County GOP HQ attacked.

Pleased, Brad Woodhouse?

Well, this is the sort of thing that happens when you scare the mob in order to get money out of them: some of the members of said mob are disinclined to stop being scared once they’ve written the check. And so:

Police are investigating vandalism at the Albemarle County Republican headquarters.

The Daily Progress of Charlottesville reports that someone threw bricks through the headquarter’s windows, breaking three of them. The vandalism was discovered Friday morning.

(Via the Corner) If I were the Albemarle County GOP, I’d send the bill for the windows to the Democratic National Committee.  After all, they adamantly refused to take responsibility for their own rhetoric, so it only seems fair that they at least pay out some monetary compensation for their demagoguery…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.