Welp, that’s the last of the first wave of FERMI RESOLUTION RPG edits done.

I should be get the rules edits by the end of the month, not to mention the rest of the art. After that, I can send the project back, have my layout designer clean up everything, and then… it’ll be done! And praise God.

A slightly spoilerific sample page after the fold. The final language will change, mind.

Continue reading Welp, that’s the last of the first wave of FERMI RESOLUTION RPG edits done.

Finishing up what edits I need to for the worldbook.

Mostly so that I don’t have it hanging over my head when I finally get the rest of the stuff. The edits to the rules language and the new art work will be fairly significant, and I don’t want to feel oppressed when it comes time to integrate them into the RPG. Besides, it’s somewhat satisfying to see the work progress. I’ve wanted the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook off of my to-do list for a while now.


Work continues!

Got the first-look files for the RPG. It came out well, in my opinion. Oh, the text still needs edits, and extra art added (both are in the process of being finalized). But THE FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK took a large step forward to publication.

And damn, but that cover is gorgeous.

Moe Lane

PS: Buy my books! …Obviously, this is directed to any first-time visitors to my site.

Up on Patreon: My complete UNFILTERED Spooky Space Opera RPG setting (paywall).

I am trying to encourage the Patreon, after all. I expect that at some point I will make UNFILTERED generally available, though. To give you an idea of what it’s like:

Continue reading Up on Patreon: My complete UNFILTERED Spooky Space Opera RPG setting (paywall).


Got THE GREEN KNIGHT RPG in the mail today…

…and surprisingly it’s not a 5th ed clone of D&D. The review here is pretty accurate, as far as I can tell; I haven’t played the game, obviously, but it looks more or less right. I was struck by the work done on this. I was honestly half-expecting something a lot more derivative. Live and learn, hey?

Preliminary sketches, the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook cover.

I have to keep reminding myself that it’s OK to show stuff like this off. This is just the preliminary pencil sketch; there are a couple details that need to be tweaked, and obviously the final is going to be in color. But Ben Fleuter here hit all the notes that I wanted hit. I’m really happy with the way it’s coming out.

I could use a blind playtesting group for the FERMI RESOLUTION RPG worldbook.

Both a group that has familiarity with GUMSHOE, and one that does not would be acceptable; or, indeed, both. I’d learn different things from each. Either way, if people are interested I’d need them to grab the rules and play the game in August, and get back to me with feedback by the end of August. Hopefully by then I’ll have an editor to go through the text so I can get it to the layout artist and then get it back to be sold. And maybe the print run Kickstarted.

Either way: if you’re interested, feel free to apply via comments here or email me via Backerkit. If you backed the Kickstarter then you should already have the playtest version in your mailbox already; if you did not, well, it comes free with FROZEN DREAMS in certain pre-orders and I’ve reopened the store.

The FERMI RESOLUTION RPG Worldbook is ready for playtest!

It’s not done. There’s art to do, more editing, and obviously playtesting. But I’ve gotten the damned thing in a state where it can be properly worked on by playtesters.

If you are interested in running a (or playing in somebody else’s) playtest of this game, let me know in comments. At the moment I already have one, maybe two groups tentatively lined up for this (my regular gaming group and maybe the backer I’ll be doing a Zoom session with), but I may run a third if I don’t get anybody willing to try this out. All I know is, a big part of the to-do spreadsheet just went from red to purple…

07/22/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG Worldbook.

Spent the morning doing spreadsheets! Testing basic combat out with matched characters, unmatched characters, and weak matched characters. And a good thing that I did. As I originally had the numbers go, the raw rolls for matched characters suggested that the average combat would be ten or more combat rounds, which is absolutely too bloody long. Fortunately, fiddling with the amount of damage done solved the problem enough for playtest purposes.

Continue reading 07/22/2020 Report, FERMI RESOLUTION RPG Worldbook.