Quote of the Day, Teach… The Parents Well… edition.

Gabe of Penny Arcade:

Last night I was a guest speaker during a PTA meeting at my son’s school. I spoke about video games, ratings and the importance of paying attention to what your kids are playing. I thought it went really well and I figured I’d break down my talk here in case anyone wanted to take some of my ideas and do something similar at their kid’s school.

You know… people probably should. I remember what many parents (including mine!) got pretty wrong about roleplaying games, when I was a kid; I imagine that it’s a lot worse for video games, given that there really is a lot more in the way of objectionable material that’s accessible to kids. Sharing one’s knowledge on this topic seems like a mitzvah.


[UPDATE: Link fixed.]

Simply… this.  There are, in fact, ten amendments in the Bill of Rights, and they’re all in there for a reason. I despise gun-grabbers intensely; but neither am I particularly impressed by people who seem to labor under the mistaken belief that the First Amendment does not protect the Second as thoroughly as the Second Amendment protects the First.

And this isn’t the first time that this has happened, either.

…I got nothing, sorry.

Except the standard “Don’t ever f*cking trust a Commie,” of course. 

Sorry, but I actually found that copy of Kingdoms of Amalur that started gathering dust once Mass Effect 3 showed up and have been playing that instead of Skyrim*.  Well, at least until the DLC for the latter two start coming out.

Yeah, I know: very glamorous.

Moe Lane

*Which I have finally started to pick clean.  Only took me, what? Five, six hundred hours?

Ah, First World Problems.

I’m at a bit of an impasse, here.  I have sucked out all the juices possible for Knights of the Old Republic and Knights of the Old Republic 2.  I’ve long since gotten everything that I was going to get out of Dragon Age 2; I’m now just waiting for the next DLC. Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition is months away.  Right now, I have two choices: try to get back into Assassin’s Creed 2, or else fire up Deus Ex: Human Revolution.  The problem with the former is that I probably really do need to pick up something like Xbox 360 Controller if I want to play the game; the problem with the latter is that I had it reserved for January or February, when the ME3 shakes would start really getting bad.

Anybody got an opinion? – You don’t have to have one, by the way.  As I said, this is a First World problem.  I should just be grateful that I have access to clean water, food, and clothing.

Ah, before anybody asks…

…yeah, I heard about that Tea Party Zombies game thing.  I got as far as looking at the zombies that you could fight, noted from the visuals/descriptions that the fine old tradition of game designers never having gotten laid in high school was apparently still in full force*, got tipped off that the gameplay sucked ass, and went to finish my Dragon Age 2 playthrough so that I can get started on the first Deus X.  Because, really, life is short.

(failed Will roll)

But the years are long.

Moe Lane

*Which happens to most nerds, frankly.  It’s just that most of us get over it eventually.