Dude. They’re *all* Freemasons.

(Via Hot Air Headlines) Well, all the male Members of Congress are.  The ones who aren’t Catholics, at least (I think that the Knights of Malta handle them for the Illuminati).  The female Members of Congress?  Order of the Golden Dawn.  I think.  I’m not on that particular mailing list. There’s a bunch of others, but members of Congress can double or even triple up; at this level the only real difference between the various mystical orders, secret societies, and occult conspiracies is what color your robe is at the rituals.

Also: if you’re going to go with the entire Secrets of the Catholic Church thing, go to the source. I don’t care what the lawsuit said; I am doubtful that Dan Brown came up with this on his own.

Moe Lane

PS: Yes, of course the President’s a Freemason. Didn’t you see National Treasure? No? Heathen philistine.

Law & Order: Sad Projection.

This should appall me, except that I’m too busy chuckling: apparently, the Left is still reduced to using the big/small screen to act out their Bush administration prosecution fantasies.  Including – ye gods and little fishes! – something stretching all the way back to Abu Ghraib. It’s Law & Order‘s turn to wistfully yearn:

By the end of the episode, “McCoy” has added former Vice President Cheney and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to his indictment. Incredibly, the case brought by a local DA against federal employees over the conduct of their official duties goes to trial, but before a verdict is rendered a federal court orders the trial stopped — thus getting NBC out of the bind of either characterizing the Bush administration as guilty or not guilty.

Wow. It’s like the 2008 election never happened.  I would also like to note that the current administration wouldn’t have let this get as far as it did in the show: in fact, it’s a whole lot less unwilling to address the issue in public at all than the previous one was…

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Today is the 66th anniversary of the rescue of the Danish Jews.

If you don’t know the story, let me sum it up for you: at the end of August, 1943 the country of Denmark was finally fully taken over by Nazi Germany.  This meant, among other things, that the Jewish population of Denmark (roughly 8,000) was now in deadly danger: the Danish government had been, up to that point, politely, respectfully, and absolutely inflexibly refusing to allow Nazi Germany to persecute its Jewish citizens.  While the story that the King of Denmark himself wore the yellow star is not true, what is true is that no Danish Jew did – and if you think that this is a minor point, well, no, it’s not: things like the star were the tools used to isolate Jews from the larger community, thus making it possible to go on with sequestering them into ghettos, then taking them away to be murdered.

So.  When the Danish government was taken out of the picture as an independent entity, the Nazis suddenly had a clear hand to take away the Danish Jews on October 1, 1943 – only a (German) diplomat got word of the planned deportation, and on September 28, 1943, tipped off the Danes.  Who then proceeded to smuggle their Jewish population out of the country and to Sweden in an ad hoc, spur-of-the-moment rescue mission.  The few that the Nazis swept up continued to be protected by the Danes; in marked contrast to other nations, Denmark constantly raised a stink about Danish Jews, resulting in their being transferred to a relatively safe concentration camp and allowed Red Cross supplies.  It is estimated that the actions of Denmark saved roughly 95% of their Jewish population – and this, I think, says more about the stubborn decency of the Danes than anything else:

Denmark was also different and special in another way. Almost everywhere else in Europe, returning Jews found their homes had been broken into, and everything of value stolen. When the Danish Jews returned , they discovered that their homes, pets, gardens and personal belongings were cared for by their neighbors.

What with the various thiings going on in and to the USA right now, it might surprise some of you to hear that the President is actually going to Copenhagen (capital of Denmark) this week. To plead for a Chicago venue for the 2016 Olympics.

Fuck the Olympics.

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Patrick Gaspard = ACORN = SEIU = White House political affairs director.

Just to repeat some of the things alluded to in this article (with some additions):

Or whether this administration has ‘full confidence’ in Patrick Gaspard.  Which is Dizzy City-speak for ‘He’s cleaning out his desk right now.’

Moe Lane

Crossposted to RedState.

Shorter AC Kleinheider: don’t primary Jim Cooper (D, TN), fools!

Progressives are to keep their mouths collectively shut, accept that Jim Cooper is to do whatever he feels like doing on the health care rationing bill, and do something useful with their time, like toil in state legislature elections to set up conditions where the possibility of finding a potentially progressive replacement for Jim Cooper upon his eventual retirement may be considered.

The nerve of them expecting anything otherwise.

Moe Lane

PS: Via Instapundit.

PPS: TN-05 is only a D+3 district, by the way. Which is why the NRCC is now actively recruiting for that one.

Crossposted to RedState.

I wonder if Charlie Cook is having that dream.

You know, the dream where you’re trying to warn somebody, but they can’t hear you, and they keep blithely going onward towards their doom:

Talking with a conservative House Democrat from the South recently, I commented that it must be horrible to go home and get beaten about the head and shoulders by angry constituents. He added, “And then come back here and get beaten up in my own caucus.”

Via Kaus. Although Charlie Cook’s solution (redistricting reform) won’t actually solve the Democratic Party’s problem for it.  The reason why?  Because the aforementioned ‘conservative’ and ‘moderate’ Democrats obey their exceedingly liberal leadership, and those leaders are almost certainly going to keep getting elected, redistricting or no. Continue reading I wonder if Charlie Cook is having that dream.

‘On the Internet, everybody knows if you’re a white supremacist.’

Doesn’t really sing as a title, does it?  Ach, well, the story itself makes up for it. Via POWIP:

Black Man Pleads Guilty to Posing as Obama-Hating White Supremacist on Facebook

NEW ORLEANS — An African-American man from Mississippi admits posing as a white supremacist to send a death threat across state lines by Facebook.

This isn’t getting said often enough, apparently, so let me: if you simply must racially demagogue, find actual examples of racial demagoguery instead of creating your own.  If you won’t do that out of the simple human desire to avoid making things worse for everybody else, then don’t do it because you’ll get caught.  Usually within days.

Because you aren’t as smart as you think that you are.

Moe Lane

PS: For those now planning to send me hate mail, remember: ‘lose’ is the opposite of ‘win,’ while ‘loose’ is the opposite of ‘tight.’  Your spellcheck software cannot read your mind, so always read your posts before you hit Send.

Crossposted to RedState.

This is too filthy to put on RedState.

[UPDATE]: Welcome, Ann Althouse readers.

Even to reference, sadly. Ann Althouse, on the NYT’s “Oops, we keep missing stories, do we?” mea-sorta-kinda-not-really-culpa:

You can read what the public editor, Clark Hoyt, has to say on the subject here. Note the URL. I love the way the URL generator coined the word “pubed” out of public editor. It’s not a new coinage though. Urban Dictionary has already defined “pube” — usually a noun — as a verb. Definition #5:

to place a hair from the pubic male region on a piece of food to be served to a customer usually though not necessarily, by a worker of the establishment

“i was pubed last night by the guys at jj’s” (past tense)

There’s got to be an analogy here, but I will move back to Hoyt’s gentle probing of his employer.

(Via Instapundit) In other words, it’s a perfectly accurate URL, if only by accident.  Also: “probing.” So that’s what they’re calling it, these days.

Hey, once you’re in the muck, you might as well go all the way in…

Moe Lane