#rsrh QotD, It’s About Time The Occupation Movement Died, Frankly edition.

Walter Russell Mead, writing the epitaph of the Occupiers:

To some degree, [the Occupy movement] was killed by its “friends.” The tiny left wing groups that exist in the country jumped all over the movement; between them and the deranged and occasionally dangerous homeless people and other rootless wanderers drawn to the movement’s increasingly disorderly campsites, OWS looked and sounded less and less like anything the 99 percent want anything to do with. At the same time, the movement largely failed to connect with the African American and Hispanic churchgoers who would have to be the base for any serious grass roots urban political mobilization. The trade unions picked up the movement briefly but dropped it like a hot brick as they found the brand less and less attractive.

It is as if the Tea Party had been taken over by the Aryan Brotherhood and delusional vagrants while failing to connect with either evangelical Christians or respectable libertarians. The MSM at one point was visibly hungering and thirsting for exactly that fate of marginalization to happen to the Tea Party, and the MSM did its klutzy best to tar the Tea Party with that kind of Mad Hatter extremism. The Tea Partiers by and large (not always or cleanly) escaped the fatal embrace of the nutters and the ranters on their side of the spectrum; OWS was occupied by its own fringe, and so died.

Continue reading #rsrh QotD, It’s About Time The Occupation Movement Died, Frankly edition.

The call for Mickey Mouse as a write-in in the CA-DEM Primary!

Slightly contra Instapundit, this call for Mickey Mouse as a write-in on the California ballot is a blogger’s joke rather than an actual movement [UPDATE: I am informed in comments here that this is meant absolutely seriously; please be assured that I had no intention of mocking either the sentiment or the activity], but if it’s kidding then it’s kidding on the square.  And it’s illustrating something that is perhaps being under-reported: the way that Obama’s not been doing all that well in the primaries for an incumbent.

I mean, yes: we’ve had it noted that Obama only racked up 59.4% of the West Virginia primary vote; 80.9% of New Hampshire’s; and 79.2% of North Carolina’s.  But here are some other primary race vote totals, thus far (all via The Green Papers): Rhode Island, 83.4%.  Louisiana, 76.5%. Alabama, 80.8%. Massachusetts, 81.2%, Oklahoma, 57.1%.  To give you a baseline… if you remove places like American Samoa or Guam, if I read this right in 2004 George Bush never dipped below 89.5% (Idaho) of the primary vote in states he won and 79.6% (New Hampshire) in states that he didn’t.  Other states of note in 2004, to give you an idea: Alabama, 92.8%. Kentucky, 92.5%. Massachusetts, 90.6%. Rhode Island, 84.9%. Continue reading The call for Mickey Mouse as a write-in in the CA-DEM Primary!

I need to do another Countup from Dystopia post…

…because this problem isn’t going away.  And by ‘problem’ I mean ‘the rolling date for Apocalypse’ that seems to exercise a certain class of perpetual professional activists.  Latest version: we have eighteen years to find a second Earth to live on.  That is, if we listen to the World Wildlife Fund, which apparently also thinks that we should all use the average Indonesian’s ration of resources.  Indonesia, where the average per-capita GDP is $4,700 and half the population lacks basic sanitation.

Ach, well, the WWF needs to eat, too. I mean, have you seen the price of fair-trade coffee, lately?  That lifestyle ain’t cheap to maintain…

Moe Lane

The DNC seems to be sitting out the Wisconsin recall.

Alternate title: Eau de Flopsweat from #wirecall Democrats.

Alernate-alternate title: DOOM.

You know, when I saw this secondhand whine from Wisconsin Democrats upset that the DNC apparently wasn’t prepared to throw half a million dollars at the general recall election, I assumed that this would be resolved.  I mean, really: the Left has  already thrown away tens of millions of dollars; what’s a bit more?  Admittedly, not throwing utterly horrible money after bad (we’ve passed the ‘throwing good money after bad’ stage already) would be the right answer, in a strictly utilitarian sense; but the state party is in a bad way right now.  They sort of need an indication that the President cares for more than his own election, right?

Well… that’s apparently not going to happen.  MSNBC’s Chuck Todd asked Obama’s deputy* campaign manager Stephanie Cutter whether the DNC would be sending money earmarked for the recall, and Ms. Cutter said… nothing in particular. And definitely nothing that would commit the DNC to giving out money. Continue reading The DNC seems to be sitting out the Wisconsin recall.


…That was my wife’s response to me telling her about how Obama inserted himselfinto all of the other Presidents’ online biographies.  It is, of course, a reference to Mojo Nixon‘s immortal Elvis is Everywhere:


…and an indication that I have the Coolest. Wife. EVER.

Moe Lane

PS: Barack Obama really does have no Elvis in him.

#rsrh Hey, remember the Shirley Sherrod lawsuit? …No?

Well, don’t feel bad; apparently, neither does anybody else.  Amazing how all that Lefty support for the African-American woman more or less dissipated as soon as she could no longer be used to attack a white male apostate: mind you, I use ‘amazing’ in a strictly post-modern, hipster ironic sense.  Which is very weird of me, personally, but then it’s been a weird kind of day.

That’s it.  This is just me being a pain: as the philosopher once said, it’s my hobby.

Will VAWA sponsor Joe Biden campaign with wife-beater Charlie Wilson in OH-06?

Yes.  Yes, there really is no good answer to that question…

…which is why, of course, I am asking it.  The background… comes in three parts:

  • Vice President Joe Biden, when he was Senator Joe Biden, happened to be a sponsor of the Violence Against Women Act.  We’ll pass to one side for a moment the current (as in, this week) controversy over the latest iteration of the law – it’s up for reauthorization – to specifically note, again, that this was Biden’s baby, as it were.
  • Charlie Wilson is known mostly for three things (four, if you count the fact that he’s often confused with the infinitely better Democratic Charlie Wilson from Texas); he was the former Congressman from OH-06; Charlie Wilson of Ohio is an admitted wife-beater; and Charlie Wilson of Ohio is unaccountably running for Congress again.
  • Guess where Joe Biden will be stumping for the President, this week?  That’s right! OH-06! Also OH-17 (Youngstown), but Thursday Biden will be making a speech Thursday at an auto dealership in Martin’s Ferry.

Continue reading Will VAWA sponsor Joe Biden campaign with wife-beater Charlie Wilson in OH-06?