It’s Labor Day Weekend! Buy my books! Read them at the beach!

Or, you know, read them wherever. I’m not fussy about things like that. The important thing is that you improve your life, and my life, by buying my books. You do have an essential regard for yourself, right? You want to be happy, don’t you? Because it’s all right for you to be happy. If somebody’s told you that it’s not, I think you should look at their lives. I think that you’ll find that those lives are full of anger, and pettiness, and endless drama. Doesn’t it sound nicer to not be like that kind of person?

(And if you can’t do it on your own, it’s okay to go to some kind of therapy about it. I understand that you don’t want to get addicted to it, or anything, but that just means you have to be careful. You can get addicted to painkillers, too — but if you’ve just had surgery, you’re not any less of a person for temporarily needing the painkillers. If you have bad vision, you’re not any less of a person for needing to wear glasses. And if you have trauma or issues that you can’t treat on your own, you’re not any less of a person for using a professional to direct your mental recovery.)

Moe Lane

PS …Err, right. Buy my books for Labor Day! Or, you know, anything else that’s both ethical, and makes you happy.

Need an opinion on the DUTIES book cover. [UPDATED]

My wife suggested that I do an offset of the image, this time, because of the nature of the picture. What do you folks think? I could go with both.

UPDATE: She was thinking of something like this:

Which, admittedly, is a good deal better than what I thought she meant originally. Look, I just bang on the clicky-things until the words come out of the magic thought-box.

If you signed up for beta reading for DUTIES…

…it would be useful if you could finish up (or just send me what you got) by the end of the week. Once I have all the feedback I’m getting, I can put the Kindle together and get the whole thing ready for printing. Also: if time has cruelly, cruelly betrayed you, no worries. Time snuck up on me, too.

The August Patreon Entries.

Stuff I just make up stuff about: science fiction, and warfare!

  • Short Story: Tour Of Duty. It’s amazing what people get used to. Set in the same universe as the upcoming novel GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND.
  • RPG Entry: Ashes of Empire, Part 6b: The Overthrow War. The next entry will probably be the last one. This one looks at the broad details of the war, because the war itself would make for a better wargame.