Did the first pass-through of TINSEL RAIN.

…Hoo, boy. It’s a good thing that I was planning to get TINSEL RAIN out later in the year, because I’m gonna need to do a bunch more stitching than I remembered. Starting with fixing the skeleton properly, instead of the quick-and-dirty realignment I did last November.

Nothing is actually horrible, although if I was supposed to get this to the editor by the end of the month I’d be in deep trouble. But I just decided to turn this into a two month project instead of a one month one. Best way to make a thorough job of it.

Moe Lane

PS: Eight days to go on the Kickstarter!

MORGAN BAROD is off to the editor!

Huzzah! Many thanks to my long-suffering wife and alpha reader, and the considerably less suffering beta readers, for their opinions and reactions. I dunno how long the book’s gonna be in edits, but hopefully we can hit a summer release date. The cover is likewise being worked on right now, and is getting pretty close to done.

In other news: Galactic Con is still a thing, although I’m still trying to figure out how to factor in bathroom breaks. TINSEL RAIN I start working on tomorrow, and I’m not entirely looking forward to it, honestly. There’s a lot of stitching that has to happen. And I would like to do a bunch of writing this summer, now that school’s winding down. But note the italics.

But enough of that. The book is at the editor’s! That means it’s not my problem until corrections start coming back! Huzzah!

Patreon Microfiction: ‘Back of Back of Beyond.’

Bismarck once said that if he heard the world was ending tomorrow, he would immediately move to Mecklenburg – because everything there happens fifty years later. “Back of Back of Beyond” has that energy. Some places just don’t react much to current events.


Book of the Week: The Illuminatus! Trilogy.

Why? Because Shaenon Garrity mentioned Illuminatus! on Twitter [fnord!], and danged if I can think of a better choice. It’s been a weird week. I wonder if it’s all due to the looming ending of the pandemic [fnord!]; I am stretching out, and some of my mental muscles feel stiff and unused…

The books are here!

I will have something to sell at Galactic Con. Bit of a relief, that. The books went from “I dunno” to “They’ll be there tomorrow” with a somewhat unseemly haste — but I took a quick look and everything looks in order, so no worries, right?

Well, aside from the usual ones. Book sales have been, alas, awful this month. Not that I can really complain, since the Kickstarter funded – but to heck with it, I wanna complain anyway.