[UPDATE: Patreon’s being weird, so I added the story below.]
‘Turn the Page‘ is my latest didn’t-win flash fiction contest entry. I like it anyway. I made it free-tier to encourage people to sign up for free. Always working the angles, me…
[UPDATE: Patreon’s being weird, so I added the story below.]
‘Turn the Page‘ is my latest didn’t-win flash fiction contest entry. I like it anyway. I made it free-tier to encourage people to sign up for free. Always working the angles, me…
From the alt-text of a Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal cartoon of a few days ago: “Anyone who thinks AI endangers poets should first prove that there exists a poetry journal with more readers than contributors.“
I actually looked up the AI poetry project that this comic is referencing, and I have good news, for given value of ‘good:’ while most of the population may not be able to recognize an Allen Ginsburg or Sylvia Plath poem if it bit them on the ass, but the ones who can will be the ones who actually decide what poems get published in the aforementioned journals. As for flooding the commercial market: joke’s on you, Scooter Magee! There is no commercial market! Good luck trying to make a living on AI verslop when nobody pays money for poetry anyway!
I vaguely remember somebody getting upset about me doing this, but I’m damned if I can recall why. Happy Veterans Day.
Yes, we are going a bit early today. As the poet said: “Prepare the viands, prepare the foods, prepare the strange wines, for tonight is indeed a great night!”
…Well, hopefully nothing so dramatic as what happened after, but still.
Public, so everybody can see it. I forgot to do one last year, apparently. Don’t know what I was thinking, or not thinking…
Anyway, Happy (almost) Halloween!
A bit of folk song I’m working on, set in SM Stirling’s Island trilogy (time travel, alternate history). It still needs some scansioning.
Continue reading ‘Adieu Alban Ladies.’This is something I did for the SCA about twenty years ago. I rediscovered one of my old poetry folders, so… :shrug:
I didn’t even try to keep it at 100 words for From ““The Coming of the Great Wyrm of Philadelphia.” Sometimes you don’t constrain the Muse. Besides, the real trick was in not writing out the whole thing, because then I’d have to actually make it fit the old verse forms*.
Moe Lane
*Trust me: my wife can explain to you quite comprehensively how I have not.
I know most of the lyrics already, more or less:
There’s few who know