Working on Spreadsheets for TINSEL RAIN.

Short version: I gotta up the budget for having my books edited. As in, it is a matter of personal honor. Alas, that will absolutely push the publishing schedule for TINSEL RAIN back to the end of December 2022, so if I want to publish it earlier I’m gonna need to track down alternate funding*. That probably means another Kickstarter, in 1Q 2022.

Alternatively, I could sell a few hundred more copies of my books between now and the end of the year. That would do the trick too, hopefully. I don’t like going too often to the Kickstarter well.

Continue reading Working on Spreadsheets for TINSEL RAIN.

Book of the Week: Decisions: Four Tales of Choices.

Writer Moe Lane has warned – or maybe promised? – that Decisions: Four Tales of Choices will be the last self-published fiction of his in 2021. It’s made up of four stories, each illustrated with its own image drawn specifically for the story. Also not entirely horror, unlike his previous two chapbooks. Check it out!


Work continues!

Got the first-look files for the RPG. It came out well, in my opinion. Oh, the text still needs edits, and extra art added (both are in the process of being finalized). But THE FERMI RESOLUTION WORLDBOOK took a large step forward to publication.

And damn, but that cover is gorgeous.

Moe Lane

PS: Buy my books! …Obviously, this is directed to any first-time visitors to my site.

Buy my books! Although it may be my kids’ books, some day.

The eldest is starting to get into writing, which is way cool. The youngest is likewise firmly on the graphic artist track, which is just as way cool — and not particularly surprising, honestly. We were an artistic family, growing up: painting, drawing, dancing, writing, textile arts, and my dad was the cook. And since my wife’s a polymath, the odds were good the relevant genes would get passed on. Here’s hoping my kids surpass me.

But I wouldn’t mind if they had to work at it a little, so: buy my books!

I’ll be doing a panel of some kind at @FrightReads!

They asked for authors to sign up for some slots to talk about their books; I am — oddly enough! — an author now*; so I will be blathering on for a half hour about my stuff. This would be on October 2nd, at the Fright Reads book fair in Severna Park, Maryland. If you can’t make it or can’t wait, buy my books now!

*It’d be nice if there was some kind of pin, honestly. Even a 10% off at the Staples frequent-publishing card.

I am now generating the proof copy for MORGAN BAROD.

I will, alas, probably miss the September 1st deadline at this point. But not by more than a few days. I’ll also definitely have to go through the book to look for proofing errors, and won’t that be fun? – but if all goes well, I’ll have it ready to sell at that book fair thing I’m doing in October, which is the important thing.

Yay! And keep watching the skies!