The November Patreon stuff is up!

I’m mildly cheating, but only mildly. Chapter Four of BANSHEE BEACH had tons of [put something cool in here] notes, which is both necessary and a terrifying thing to do. What if you forget? …I’ve seen those things get as far as an E-ARC. It’s a valid fear.



  • Short Story: Chapter Four of BANSHEE BEACH: It’s Forty Miles to Red Beach. The world of the Fermi Resolution is kind of weird, because it’s post-apocalyptic, not medieval. This book’s gonna get into that a little, methinks.
  • RPG Material: The Cunning Land, Part One: Background. This is gonna be a little more hard-edged than originally conceived. The trick is gonna be not to make it too hard-edged.

The October Patreon stuff is up!

Yes, we are going a bit early today. As the poet said: “Prepare the viands, prepare the foods, prepare the strange wines, for tonight is indeed a great night!”

…Well, hopefully nothing so dramatic as what happened after, but still.


  • Short Story: The Goblin. Fair warning: it’s both short, and fairly horrible. I’m not really sorry about either.
  • RPG Material: The Cunning Land: Introduction. This is the start of the new project. I wanted to see if I could fit the entire premise of the game world in a children’s poem. Let me know if it worked!
  • Poem: Halloween 2024. Just for fun.


DARK HISTORY is now available at DriveThruRPG!

DriveThruRPG did not send me a notification that DARK HISTORY was up and running, but it looks like it’s available for purchase (it’s also showing up here). This is 36 pages of generic spooky goodness, system-agnostic, ranging from locations to artifacts to adventure seeds. And just in time for Halloween, thank God.

Check it out today!

Moe Lane

PS: There’s a lot of modified clip art! I swear to God, next time I’m just going to get my kids to do some, and teach them some valuable life lessons about deadlines and PitA clients in the process.

The September Patreon stuff is up!

Huzzah. Short story is only three thousand words, because I realized I needed to work out who those guys actually were. I have a better feel for them, now.


The June Patreon stuff is up!

It was… not the best month, creatively. Had to push through a few times. Hopefully July will be better.

Anyway, enough whining!

  • Short Story: Seven Flags. Part One, alas. The aforementioned needing to push through. Anyway, it’s a Fermi Resolution story starring our favorite orc paladin Liza. Well, she’s my favorite orc paladin, at least.
  • RPG Material: Resurgence, Part Three: Community. I’m pretty sure Community was awful. I just haven’t quite decided whether they were actually the worst option.

The May Patreon stuff is up!

That story didn’t want to gel, for the longest time. Finally did, though.

The March Patreon stuff is up!

I had to abandon a story with ten days to go, then finish another one that I abandoned a while back, and I know that this breaks a bunch of writing rules, supposedly. And yet, there’s a short story up. So I don’t know how you score that.


  • Short Story: DOCTOR RYPMAW’S METHOD. This rather badly wanted to be cosmic horror, but I wasn’t having any of that.
  • RPG Material: THE RESURGANCE, PART 1. We’re starting a new RPG setting! This one is more or less in the superhero genre. Also, it’ll be designed to be deliberately unstable! Whee!

Thanks for reading!

The December Patreon stuff is up!


  • Fiction: TIMMY AND THE FAT MAN. Timmy! Another heartwarming Christmas tale about my favorite wicked child! I shouldn’t enjoy writing these, but I do.
  • RPG Material: HEX NATION, PART 4: INDIAN COUNTRY. It would appear that the things historians want to record about Native American tribes are not the same things that I want them to record about Native American tribes. I’m not sure whose fault that is.

The November Patreon stuff is up!

Getting that short story out was like pulling teeth. I mean, it’s been in my damn hard drive for years. I just needed enough spite and aggravation to finally finish it.

  • Short Story: Walk Away. Because “Thus Do I Refute Omelas” as a title was possibly just a little too on the nose. I knew going in that you’re not supposed to write polemics, only I decided that I just didn’t give a damn.
  • RPG Material: Hex Nation, Part 3b: Shattered Mexico. I actually didn’t consider the balance there until I sat down to write it, but I think it works fairly well.

Onward to December!

I have unlocked my Science Fiction Horror RPG setting UNFILTERED on Patreon!

You can now see it there. I have also included it below. This is the universe that GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is set, as well as several short stories. And yes, I’d love to hand UNFILTERED off to a publisher. Downright eager to, in fact.

Continue reading I have unlocked my Science Fiction Horror RPG setting UNFILTERED on Patreon!