10/06/2024 Snippet, CALL OF THE MOON-BEASTS.

I absolutely need to get going with this and the other story.

Derby Emi was surprisingly indifferent about Tobias walking all over her dust paintings. “Please wear the little boot-gloves,” she told him with apparent real cheerfulness. “You would not want to have the sand getting into your slippers.”

Tobias looked down. He’d never been a fan of abstract art, but he knew what he liked. He didn’t like this. In fact, he had secretly enjoyed watching Derby’s own footprints smoosh the floor design’s unsettling pattern into random chaos. “I feel strange, wrecking your, ah, design like this,” he lied.

“Don’t be, Commander,” Emi responded immediately. “That is why it’s on the floor. I may be forced to draw this, but I will have my own revenge.” A smile flickered, breaching above the surface of her face for a moment. “I have no desire to preserve it.”

I have unlocked my Science Fiction Horror RPG setting UNFILTERED on Patreon!

You can now see it there. I have also included it below. This is the universe that GHOSTS ON AN ALIEN WIND is set, as well as several short stories. And yes, I’d love to hand UNFILTERED off to a publisher. Downright eager to, in fact.

Continue reading I have unlocked my Science Fiction Horror RPG setting UNFILTERED on Patreon!


This is one of DUST’s better (and creepier!) short films, and that’s saying something. I’m not embedding the video because the thumbnail for IT CAME NAMELESS IN SPRING is a total spoiler for the ending, though. Didn’t stop me from enjoying it, but hopefully you’ll get the full effect this way.

(16227) Sci-Fi Short Film “It Came Nameless In Spring” | DUST – YouTube

Via Facebook.


My wife gave me the idea for that title. Moe, she says, Moe. If you must do this, go with Gilbert and Sullivan*. In fairness, I told her I was looking for a bad pun.

Anyway, the first three (and free!) episodes of SHE IS A DUCAL MODEL IN A ZOMBIE-LURKING GOTHICK WORLD** is now live, after many an annoying adventure along the way yesterday night. The rest will hopefully load today.

And check out that cover! Made using only the finest paint.net pixels. Artisanal, those are.

*I am paraphrasing. Perhaps unfairly.

**Formerly THE DEFENSE OF CASTLE WINDERMERE, which would have been a fine title except that a) the party was only briefly at Castle Windermere and b) was never actually shown defending it.


I don’t want to read John Steinbeck’s long lost, and bad, werewolf novel.

Why? Reread the title of this post.

Continue reading I don’t want to read John Steinbeck’s long lost, and bad, werewolf novel.

Check out this “The SCP Foundation” site my readers found!

One of my readers (JAB) found this: the SCP Foundation. Said reader described the site as “Delta Green and Warehouse 13 had a love child:” I personally would have said GURPS Warehouse 23, but that’s just me. On first glance? Useful fodder for DG, GURPS, or The Esoterrorists. Also: kind of disturbing, but in a good way.

Continue reading Check out this “The SCP Foundation” site my readers found!