Book of the Week: Ghosts on an Alien Wind.

I know, I know – but I can justify this one, honest! The paperback for Ghosts on an Alien Wind is headed for the online Barnes & Noble store (it is not heading for actual stories, more’s the pity). I just need for the website to finish publishing it. It’s an experiment! If I get sales there, I will reconsider my current KU-exclusive status for my digital books.

If I don’t? Ach, well, I tried.


Sent out a story today!

Haven’t done that in a while, but one of the things that I am trying to do every day now is dedicate an hour for building the business. It occurred to me that publishers still actually pay money for short stories, so why not throw one out there? I mean, it’s not like I don’t have a bunch of them by now.

We’ll see how it goes.

Moe Lane

Continue reading Sent out a story today!

DARK HISTORY is now available at DriveThruRPG!

DriveThruRPG did not send me a notification that DARK HISTORY was up and running, but it looks like it’s available for purchase (it’s also showing up here). This is 36 pages of generic spooky goodness, system-agnostic, ranging from locations to artifacts to adventure seeds. And just in time for Halloween, thank God.

Check it out today!

Moe Lane

PS: There’s a lot of modified clip art! I swear to God, next time I’m just going to get my kids to do some, and teach them some valuable life lessons about deadlines and PitA clients in the process.

Patreon Microfiction: Death Is Cheap.

…Look, it’s not like he’s sacrificing people, right? Death is a part of life, so it’s a part of magic, and there’s gonna be market forces at play encouraging the cost of resurrections to go down. You don’t make your pile raising one person for a thousand gold: you make it by raising fifty people for a hundred each. There’s simply more of them who can afford that fee, as long as you make sure that Death is Cheap…


If you liked a book, review it on Amazon or Goodreads. Ratings are good, especially if they’re fives. But reviews are money. Not literally money, alas — but the algorithm pays more attention to books with verified purchasers who then left actual reviews. So knock yourself out!

Again, not literally.